Saturday, March 14, 2015

back in the game

holy cow!  i can't believe we've already been back for an entire week!  that's so crazy how fast it has blown by!  we got back sunday evening and i feel like i've just been trying to catch up since then.  no playdates or hours at the library this week, but hopefully we can do it all next week!

monday- we stayed home while i did a million loads of laundry.  normally this wouldn't be an all day event but for some reason i woke up at 7:30 super energized, and was dead to the world just two hours later.  soooo tired all day long and i was 100% dragging.  but, eventually laundry got done and put away so we'll call it a success anyway.  the initial plan was to go grocery shopping as well, but that definitely didn't happen.  not a huge deal though because i'd left two unopen gallons of milk in our fridge (that i'd gotten just a few days before we left town) and had at least a dozen eggs as well as bread, cheese, etc. so even though we didn't really have any fresh produce, we were fine not to immediately rush to the store.  and that was really really really nice to have that option.  my biggest win of the day though was that brady slept til noon and i didn't get him out of his crib til 12:20!  can i just say that we put the kids to bed at 7 the night before so that kid must have been exhausted?!  17 hours of sleep!

tuesday- abigail had preschool so i dropped her off and made a quick stop by the library to return a book and pick up a book i had waiting for me on hold.  then we made our way to walmart and shopped there til it was time to get abigail again.  the rest of the day was pretty standard with naptime/quiet time and then honey came home early and we went to texas roadhouse for dinner.

wednesday- i had my 28 week appointment so we went to that (side note... one time we got chick fil a chicken biscuits and ate them as a little picnic on the hill outside of our doctor's office.  when we walked past that hill on the way to our car i thought to myself "mmmm chick fil a" at the exact time that abigail said "mom, maybe we should go to chick fil a for lunch."  ha.  but also, after our previous appointment, we'd met honey for lunch at costa vida, so when i got to the car i kept thinking "mmm, should i call honey and see if he wants to meet up at costa vida?"  happily for my waistline, i did neither.) and then stopped by our neighborhood playground on the way home and played there for a long time while i talked on the phone with grandmother and then with mom.  it was such gorgeous t shirt weather... probably sunny and 55.  brady went down the big green slide by himself a bunch of times.  and then went down on his belly and busted his lip.  poor guy.  ; )  we had lunch and nap time and then at the end of quiet time, abigail and i went outside to play on the driveway for the rest of quiet time.  so i brought my book and she played.  lucy and presley came out and decided to come over and join us.  so i pulled up a camp chair for stephanie and we had a blast talking about the joys of parenthood while all our kids played and covered themselves in their homemade paint (when you combine sidewalk chalk with fistfulls of snow melted and rubbed on top) and it was just perfect.

thursday- abigail had school again so we dropped her off and brady and i headed to costco.  we ran into kylee in the parking lot so that was fun.  and even though there were no samples at first (and only a few later), we had a pretty good time.  brady spent the first while whining about what i thought was a basketball? which confused me because we hadn't seen one but he kept pointing back where we'd been.  eventually, i stopped and focused on what he was saying, realizing it wasn't working to just brush him off and he wasn't going to let it go, and found out he wanted a hot dog like he'd seen on the big menu at the front of the store.  so once we decided to share a hot dog at the end of our shopping trip, we were golden.  $300 and a hot dog later (but i need to write down for my memory that brady kept calling me "mommy mommy" any time he wanted another sip of lemonade "i need more juice please, mommy mommy mommy."  why he always did two or three mommys... who knows... but it was making me laugh out loud), we were off to pick up abigail from preschool.  the biggest plus to running errands, but only making one stop, during preschool is that we're always ten minutes early to pick abigail up.  the rest of the day was kind of down hill since abigail lied about going potty and then wet her pants during story time.  but honey came home early because he was in the area for a meeting that got cancelled, so he picked up abigail and took her with him to walmart to fix his broken glasses and to hobby lobby to frame a painting we got in brazil.  meanwhile, i talked on the phone with emmy and she gave me parenting advice from a book she's been reading.  brady woke up and i sent him outside with honey and abigail.  we survived the rest of the night just fine but it wasn't the best.  why have i been getting soooo tired lately?!

friday- the house was in major need of some love so we stayed home.  the kids got up late i think... maybe close to ten?  i got them up and we read books in abigail's room for a while (apparently we were having a princess party and she had decorated so we just needed to read books???) and then headed downstairs for breakfast.  but it was so late already and one of the kids asked for cereal so i decided we could all enjoy a bowl of cereal.  and then we all thought it would be a great idea to turn on a dora show while i did laundry and cleaned the kitchen.  lucy came over around 12:30 and presley came by not too much later.  so that wasn't really going well for brady's nap, but the kids were all having a great time playing together.  eventually, sometime after two, the girls all decided to go to lucy's house and even though brady got his shoes and tried to put them on by the door where the other girls were getting their shoes on, he had to stay behind and nap.  so brady and i enjoyed some bagels and cream cheese... in the great room at the end table since i'd just swept the kitchen and had taken the chairs all out in preparation for mopping... and then i put him down for nap.  i did laundry and put all the sheets and blankets back on our bed and gave the kitchen a thorough mopping on the counter tops and cabinets and floors and got brady up at 5.  and then honey came home and i picked abigail up from lucy's and we all went to texas roadhouse.  i ordered my steak medium rare (as i've been doing for a few months), but this time it was a super thick steak and it was more rare than it's ever been.  it tasted great, but honey kept making faces at me because he either thought it was gross or was worried our baby would die from rare, diseased meat or something.  came home and put the kids to bed and we were out.

saturday- honey went skiing.  the kids and i went to the library and treated it like a normal weekday.  we had eggs and cutie for lunch and then naptime and quiet time.  i struggled to stay awake.  honey got home sometime after 3.  quiet time finished around 4, and right on cue, lucy, presley and kalia came over to play.  brady semi played with them too.  he wants to be involved but a lot of times just isn't interested enough if they're playing something complex with a lot of pretending.  we hung out, played outside a bit, ate paninis for dinner (with costco rotisserie chicken and provolone on french bread) and both kids downed theirs... and the remainder of mine, as well as too much avocado.  man, those kids know how to eat!  and then we went to bed.  so so tired.

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