Monday, March 23, 2015

Sunday ballet bun

Sunday morning, Abigail asked if she could have a "ballet bun" in her hair for church. I thought it was great. And for the first time, we attempted a swirly ballet bun. I'm happy to say that it stayed mostly intact for the day. 

Ps- why do kids go in and out of being able to smile on command?!

It's a legit swirly ballet bun. 

I went to choir (we've been practicing he is risen and come thou fount) and found brady still awake in his crib when I got home and honey left for home teaching with Abigail in tow. Turns out he pooped and so we scrapped the nap. Right then, my mil texted and asked to stop by and see our new car since she was in the area so that was perfect since brady was sad that Abigail and daddy had left him. After Klaudette left, brady played bikes on the driveway a bit and then we walked to the church building. Honey and Abigail were already there setting up for a special fireside on parenting in a wild of technology. 

And then I finished the day by taking a picture of my big belly (while brushing my teeth) and crawling in bed. 

It was a good day. 

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