Monday, March 30, 2015

pictures from a day

just another day in the life...

brady woke up with a nasty diaper and horrible rash... he'd just had a bath the night before though, so we just did a quick soak in the sink.  why do my kids love drinking out of a spray bottle?

after all the tears of the diaper rash drama, this kid was happy as could be and ready to go.

but check out the bedhead.  both of my kids have always gotten such crazy bedhead.  is this normal or is it that they have to cram their heads into something for them to sleep soundly?

i spritzed him a bit to try to tame things.  this kid hates getting his hair done.

i love that these two are bff.  it's so precious.

although they make five times the mess when they're together... it's like their creative juices combine.

this is why it's crucial to move furniture when you clean and vacuum.  i'm not sure if this stuff all got pushed under here accidentally or if abigail has squirrel like hoarding tendencies.

also, here is a real question that i've been pondering deeply for the past several weeks... when is the best time to vacuum?  i've got two young kids so that rules out the hours from 7pm to 10/11am when they're sleeping... as well as that three hour chunk in the afternoon when brady naps.  during the awake times, there are always toys somewhere on the floor because they're playing, which makes it difficult to vacuum... but i can't just put all the toys away and have them watch a show while i vacuum because it's too loud for them to hear.  also, they're both somewhat averse to loud noises so they don't necessarily want to play in the playroom (hardwood floors) for 30 minutes all alone while i vacuum the whole house.  seriously, anyone have a good answer to this?  the current thing we've been doing is that i vacuum when chris is home and is able to play with the kids outside or in the playroom or feed them dinner downstairs while i vacuum upstairs and then he gets, them ready for bed upstairs while i vacuum the main floor.  i know it's not the end of the world, but it is annoying.  any suggestions or is this just our best option for the time being?

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