Monday, January 25, 2016

BHA end of year party


The day started with some of this cuteness. 

I get pictures of her best smiles... When she's laughing at Brady. It's adorable. 

She doesn't look at me with the same level of admiration but I try not to take it too badly. 

He can't resist her. 

Have I mentioned her tongue before? Always out. Like a little turtle head. 

Abigail sometimes carries her backpack around her neck after school. This day, she was walking to the car like a celebrity... Messed up hair and eyes mostly closed. That girl. 

Can you see it? Am I hallucinating? I swear those teeth have got to come up sometime, right? Her temperament during the day has been a little better the past day or two, but she's still waking up those extra times each night. 

The BHA end of year party actually happened at the beginning of the year due to the business of December 2015. We did bbq and bowling at Moe's. It was delicious (I looooove their white bbq sauce and the Mac and cheese) and so much fun. Honey started my game for me with a strike. He also ended his game with SIX STRIKES IN A ROW. What the heck?!  He doesn't even bowl. It is beyond me how he has a natural knack for practically everything he tries. 

This is Jennifer. We're bbf's. It was nonstop fun and laughter including all of her strange styles of bowling, scoping out a husband for her, and doing spirit fingers for people. She's the greatest. 

The second game. I think it was the highest score of my life. Also, I think I got the third or fourth highest score of the night. We're a bowl for fun kind of group. 

Our lane... Mostly... I think chris was still hanging four with people in the next lane over. 

In past years, we've gone to the melting pot or another nice restaurant... This was so much more fun. 

Also, we left our kids with a babysitter from Bri's ward... Trevor. He was so nice. Elizabeth slept the whole time (he gave her a binky part way through) and Abigail and Brady liked him too. They were asleep when we got home but I knew Trevor was a hit when I talked to Brady... At 2am. I was up with Elizabeth and I guess he'd heard her crying because he came into her room while I was changing her diaper and was almost crying all "mom, where's the babysitter?" well, he went back to his house. "I don't want him to go home!!!" Sorry kid. I bet we'll be using him again soon. It's convenient that our wards have different nights for mutual so when all of our youth are off limits... We have other kids we can ask. Brady is such a funny kid. 

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