Friday, January 22, 2016

Sunday stuff

I'm so behind on blogging it makes me want to cry. I will probably never catch up (remember how I keep meaning to post about Brady's second birthday??? He's three now) but here's today and that's alright. 

Honey has been in salt lake since Thursday morning and just got back this afternoon. My biggest success of the day was that I got us all dressed and ready for church (I even showered and shaved and we all had coordinating outfits) and we were only like 60 seconds late for 9 o'clock church. 

This guy snuck in my bed again last night. He takes advantage of me being so tired that I have no clue what's going on. All three kids were so tired when I woke them up this morning. Friday morning I was so excited about sleeping in because Abigail had a teacher work day and no school. All kids were awake before 7am. Sunday? I'm stuck dragging them out of bed and trying to get them fed and dressed while Brady keeps climbing back in bed and saying he's too tired. Of course. 

This kid was a struggle to get ready this morning because he was so tired. He already had these socks on and reeeeally wanted to wear them. We were already strapped for time so I just let it fly. Kids can get away with this stuff, right? 

Abigail is so particular about her clothes. She's never worn these boots before because "they don't feel good." Luckily, she loves that dress and hairbow so we compromised. And I gave her a mini lesson on how shoes (especially Sunday shoes) are not always super comfy like bedroom slippers. 

Also, this is how she dance poses. 

She's been on such good behavior the last few days. Hallelujah because it has been a huge help while chris was gone. 

This kid. He's a rascal. 

I don't know why I even try. Especially with multiple kids. When one cooperates, inevitably the other isn't even looking at the camera. 

My Sunday outfit that my stylist, aka Lisa, helped me with. 

Brady called chris. On a plastic phone. They talked about shoes. 

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