Monday, January 25, 2016

Chipping away at the basement


That's what I did today. 

Also, I love recycling day. If only it came more often than every other week. 

Elizabeth was adorable so I took her picture. 

And then Brady was all "take a picture of me!"  Check out his pose. 

I went to tuck Brady back in bed (because he comes to my room a million times a night) and Abigail was sleeping soundly like this. Crossing my fingers she doesn't fall out and break her neck. 

It was a pretty good day. 

Abigail and I had a good conversation about statements, demands, and questions. Also about how you can say the same exact words sweetly or meanly and your voice makes all the difference. 

Brady was so sweet and helpful to Abigail several times today. He's really growing up and getting so good at perceiving needs and then jumping into action. Like when I told Abigail that her john Deere hoodie wasn't warm enough to wear to school and Brady brough Abigail her white puffy coat. Granted, she threw it over his head and then tried to push him down/suffocate him... It was still super sweet of him to try. 

Elizabeth's teeth have got to be hurting her. She yells a lot. And cries way more than she used to. She rolled back to belly several times tonight. I think it's finally clicking for her. Excellent since she's almost 8 months old. 

My favorite thing to do with Abigail is have her read to me. No one prepared me for how exciting it would be that she can sound out words and actually read!

My happiest happening as of late is that Abigail has been getting herself ready for school in the morning. Previously it was taking at least an hour and a half (of constant attention and yelling and screaming and hounding) just to get ready and eat breakfast. This morning I think it took less than 30 minutes (with maybe only one or two reminders) which I'm sure is a record. It's amazing how much I appreciate things that other people don't even think twice about. Just because of the struggle and long road it has been. This may not even last, but while it's happening, you better believe I am all jam packed full of gratitude. 

Abigail is a challenging child... We celebrate the small stuff at every opportunity. 

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