Thursday, January 21, 2016

errands all day

today was good.  busy, but good.

first, i think i got to bed at 2am.  because that always happens.  and i woke up sometime in the wee hours to feed elizabeth.  and then i think brady came in around 6 something but luckily chris was still home so he had someone else to bother.  ; )  and both kids were already noisy and playing before my alarm even went off.  so even though i slept til 7:50 or so, i can hardly call any of it sleep.  i feel like my nights are just as busy as my days.

anyway... abigail and brady did a pretty good job this morning getting ready on their own.  elizabeth woke up during that time but went back to sleep.  i got abigail to school before 9.  that's two mornings in a row and no yelling involved!  yesterday i dropped her off at 8:53.  that's a record for us.  it feels amazing... and the dropoff line is shorter than after 9 so that's an added bonus.  i got myself and brady and elizabeth ready and we headed out to costco.  my watch is reaching the sunset point of it's life.  i've had it for 15 wonderful years.  half of my life.  but i know the end is near and so i'm trying to find a suitable replacement.  so, i checked out costco.  i didn't see any watches i loved so i started walking out the door.  until i realized how perfectly the stars had aligned that the timing was perfect (it's so hard to get out in the morning with just two kids because abigail's school is only 3 hours and elizabeth's sleep/naps don't cooperate well with that.  but here i was at costco with only two kids and i had time to spare.  so i got a coupon book and decided to walk around and see what i might need.  i kid you not, i walked out of that store with over $300 of stuff.  I WASN'T EVEN PLANNING ON BUYING ANYTHING!  ugh.  i know it's all stuff that was on sale/a good deal, but i do get depressed about the cost of life.  i still struggle to find a happy mental balance with spending money.  i also struggle still being on time for things.  my original plan was to be at chick fil a by 11 to meet up with friends... but of course i didn't get there til after 11:30 (because $300 at costco) and had to leave like 20 minutes later to get abigail from school.  so i used two calendar cards (thanks for sending those in the mail, mom!  perfect timing since i just got them and activated them this morning!) and brady and i enjoyed free grilled chicken nuggets.  those are so delicious.  sadly, there wasn't much time really for hanging out, but brady did get some time on the play set and i got a few minutes of talk time with kelli and danielle, so we'll still call it a success.  i raced down parker road, so sure i would be late to get abigail, and ended up actually being a few minutes early.  also, elizabeth and brady fell asleep on the way so that was great.  i got to talk to jodi for a few minutes while picking abigail up and abigail was thrilled to run around in the snow with the other kids (normally we can't because i have kids impatiently waiting in the car) for a bit.  we went home and i unloaded costco stuff and abigail and i quickly ate the creme de la creme of the hot rotisserie chicken i got.  breast meat and skin for us!  we didn't even have to share since brady and elizabeth were still napping in the car in the garage.  ; )  so then abigail and i grabbed some library things to return and hopped back in the car to hurry to her 1:30 doctor's appointment.  they always say to arrive 20 minutes early... this time... i was checked in and watching my kids play in the waiting area buy 1:10.  woohoo!  i got a letter at the end of last week from abigail's school saying that she'd failed the routine hearing tests... failed for both ears.  awesome.  thankfully i have an audiologist sister that guided me through everything so i scheduled an appointment with abigail's regular doctor and was super prepared.  the doctor said abigail's ears looked perfect and gave me the number to the kaiser audiology department so i could schedule a recheck of her ears.  i took the opportunity then to bring up anything else i wanted to about abigail since i'd already paid $50 for the appointment.  it came at nice timing since abigail has a july birthday and this was half way... so perfectly in the middle.  anyway, all went well and i seriously love my kids' doctor.  she is wonderful.  my kids all really like her too since they're all going to each other's appointments.  we see that lady a million times a year it feels like.

as soon as we got to the car, i called to schedule the hearing test... good planning on my part because i was on hold for something like 12 minutes before i finally got through.  i realized i have a special pet peeve of being on the phone and being told "all representatives are still busy, please continue to wait" without being given an estimation of if i'm looking at 2 minutes or 10 minutes.  whatever.  i circled the library parking lot a few times before finally speaking to a real person.  scheduled that appointment and then took the kids inside to kill time at the library.  we all love being there, but i do wonder if all the librarians wonder about our loitering habits because we come so often and stay for so long.  what can i say?  it's our happy place.  we stayed for two hours this time.  i had no idea it was so long until we were in the car driving home and it was 4:25!  i had the kids eating their leftover oatmeal from this morning while i got them rotisserie chicken and blackberries and then went to feed elizabeth in my room.  well, multiple times they were getting out of their seats and not eating and i found myself yelling at them (which is practically constant in some of these recent days) and so i finally just told them, i was setting the timer and also, if i found them out of their seats again, they were done.  so that happened and actually neither of them ate any chicken or blackberries... so hopefully that leftover oatmeal will hold them over til morning.  ; ) happily, neither kid threw a fit about it or seemed surprised... which frequently happens and always baffles me but whatever. the kids got super hyper as soon as i sent them up to get on pjs and get ready for bed and thankfully, that was right at the time that honey was getting home.  he ate their plate of food and we all had a chaotic but leisurely time getting ready for bed.  lots of reading books but lots of craziness too.  abigail and i read books together for an hour.  brady hung out with chris in the basement while he ran on the treadmill.  elizabeth hung out in the hallway with a binky and was sooo close to rolling onto her belly.  she seems so slow in terms of her physical development that honey (i'll admit... i do it too) has started making wisecracks about it.  tonight it was all "i bet she won't be walking til she's 4."  ha.  at this rate?  probably.  ; )  emmy has a perpetual newborn and i have a perpetual 2 month old.  i won't lie though, i really like it.  i can still lay her on my bed and i have zero fear that she will roll off.  because she lacks any ability to roll.  my little pet rock.  she's a louder pet rock though lately with her teething.  ever since two days after we got back in town.  like right when lisa came.  but, my dearest elizabeth, i still love her to pieces.  rosy cheeks and all.  the lady at the library tonight was all "you were here the other day, right?" and then looking at elizabeth "yeah, that was you... i remember this baby... she's so happy!"  she also made the comment that her cheeks matched her outfit.  it's true, they're always so pink.  maybe that's accentuated with the teething too.  who knows?  anyway, honey put the kids to bed and i put elizabeth to bed and everything was just great.  but now it's 11:45 and elizabeth is waking up right on schedule (her waking up teething schedule that includes 11:30, 2:30 and 5:30... give or take).  so, there was my day.  barely home and very busy... but good.  because i judge my days on what kind of a mother i was... and today was pretty dang good.

ps- lisa shared this link with me while i was writing this and it is AMAZING.  but don't watch it if you have trouble with baby vomit.

you're welcome

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