Sunday, November 6, 2011

glam up

today was a good day.  

we slept in til our usual time.  but then, because of daylight savings, we got an extra hour.  so i wasn't pressed for time on making phone calls for my calling, practicing my hymns for sacrament meeting, or getting baby fed and ready.  also, since it was my first time fasting in TWO WHOLE YEARS (pregnancy plus nursing really takes you out of the game for a while) i didn't have to take the time to feed myself.  anyways, all of this meant that we all hung out, played around, set up a christmas tree out of boredom (i'll explain later... maybe), and got baby a nap and had a fantastically leisurely time doing it.

also, i was asked to sub in nursery today so baby and i spent the second two hours of church hanging out and playing with other kids and moms (they're going through a nursery transition so there were a number of adults) which was a nice change to trying to chase, wrangle, feed, etc my precious mobile bundle of terror joy.  i love my baby more than words can say, but honestly, she puts me through the wringer at church with how fast she is when she runs for the exit anytime she finds an open door.  anyways, baby loved nursery and i'm really excited for her that she'll get to go starting in january.  and 2012 will be double delicious because not only will baby get to go to nursery, but we'll also have morning church so baby can still get her afternoon nap.  i look forward to this part immensely.

anyways, tonight we were hanging out and turns out, baby loves to sit on my bathroom counter (go figure because my bathroom is by faaaaarrrr her favorite room in the house) and put on makeup with me.  or just lip gloss because she tends to break and hide all other makeup.  she's looking to her left in all those pictures because that's where our big mirror is.  and who puts on makeup without looking in the mirror?!?!  not us, that's for sure.

disclaimer:  her hair is not actually yellow.  it's just the intense bathroom lighting.  thank goodness.

and as if my day wasn't good enough.  i rocked my baby to sleep tonight for the first time since i don't even know when.  i'll write a novel on it another time, because it's so worth recording.  it. was. heaven.

ps- baby's newest word?  "church"  the hilarious part is that she says it with absolute exactness.  like everything spiritual should be.

happy monday!

1 comment:

Ricci said...

Those pictures are great! What a little princess :)