Friday, November 2, 2012

dressup with lucy

baby girl is obsessed with the cute little neighbor girl across the street.  like i couldn't begin to describe the obsession in less than a paragraph... which i'm too lazy to do right now so just take my word for it.  anyways, lucy is really busy and our schedules never match up for us to get together so i told my neighbor to just drop lucy off next time she needed to run errands.  so even though we've been to lucy's house about a million times (one time baby walked in by herself when i was on the curb talking to my mom on the phone), today we celebrated lucy's first time coming to play at our house!  it was a momentous occasion and the girls had a blast.

lucy came over just after 9 30 and they started out playing with baby dolls, then got a bite to eat (lucy's snack, baby's breakfast) and went upstairs for some more fun.  in no time they were dressed to the nines and spent the next hour or so admiring themselves and each other.  


then they came downstairs to read thomas books (lucy is a huge fan too... baby girl almost passed out from excitement last time we were at lucy's house and she saw a thomas train and tracks) and raced some matchbox cars.
and then they admired their beauty until it was time for lucy to go home.  so if i had to guess how long they were fully dressed up i'd say it was at least a full two hours.  10:30ish to 12:30ish and they were sooo cute.  lucy insisted on wearing the dress, wings, and head piece (she's an opinionated child and baby girl just always goes along with it just fine) so baby girl made up for it by wearing everything else she could get her hands on including all three necklaces and three purses too.  

so yeah, this is my new favorite thing.  borrowing kids from my friends.  i call/text them and beg them to drop their child off for a few hours.  i've given several of my friends and open invitation but they don't take me up on it unless i call them to schedule it.  "ummm, wanna drop lucy off friday morning sometime for a few hours?  you can go to the mall or take a nap or do whatever you want but for the love just give me your child!!!"  except i try not to sound so desperate.  but what are my other options when i just want to stay home and wear sweats and do a load of laundry and my kid never stops asking to play with friends?!  this just seems like a win win win for everyone involved.

ps- when it's just baby and me at home she's pretty much only interested in books and maybe a toy or two.  but when she has friends over, she pulls out the big guns.  apparently she's had enough play dates to know that her friends like baby dolls, dress up clothes, and the ball pit and it just cracks me up to see her play hostess like that.  although she has shown off her collection of thomas books several times this week... even if it was only blake and lucy that actually appreciated it.

oh, and here is a video from when we were reading thomas books.  apparently baby girl has parts of them memorized because i opened one of them to the first page and before i even opened my mouth, baby girl had beaten me to the first words ("peep! peep! thomas....") and lucy thought it was hilarious.  so here's a few seconds of that.

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