Friday, March 22, 2013

brady's face

my photography leaves much to be desired.  and one of these days i'm going to get my act together and take pictures during the morning when the lighting in our house isn't so horrific.  until then, you can gaze at these strangely lit photos blessed with the yellow kitchen lighting and harsh flash from my camera.

brady - age 3 months and 5 days

looks like he's got a bad mascara job or something since his eyes are always so wet from his blocked tear ducts.  and how bout that elmo binky?  baby girl thinks it's the coolest thing ever.  that's the kind of street cred brady likes most.
but check out those eye lashes!  we get sooo many comments on those everywhere we go!  one of the perks of marrying someone with perfect eyelashes... your kids get perfect eyelashes too!
i'm so thankful for this little guy.

1 comment:

ok said...

You seriously make the most gorgeous babies! Brady is soooooo prettttttty.