Sunday, September 29, 2013

Three notables and Sunday commentary

In no particular order... Three significant things that happened today. 

Just kidding, we'll do chronological order. 

1. Brady smeared poop all over our carpet, his bedroom door, his Sunday clothes, and his face. Sorry Brady, it was your dad's fault. I gave him a pretty stern talking to though and hopefully it will never happen again. 
2. Chris got set apart as elders quorum president. (He was released last week from his ward clerk calling)
3. Christopher and I each picked our teams in our fantasy hockey draft tonight. Normally I try to pick my players based off of their names and how attractive their head shots are. This year my honey convinced me to pick some pretty ugly players. They really better perform. P.A. Parenteau, I'm lookin' at you. 

Awesome parts of today?  
No Sunday meetings this morning for my honey or myself! No bishopric meeting for honey because he was released last Sunday as ward clerk and no meeting for myself because of 5th Sunday!  
Also, church was great. Our lesson third hour was soooo good. I only wish I didn't have to miss the first part because it coincided with Christopher's setting apart. Still, so memorable about the tomb of the unknown soldier and guarding our virtue. 
Brady fell asleep in his carseat at church at 1... Just 20 minutes before the end of church. Happily, he stayed asleep til 3:45, even though he hadn't eaten since 10, allowing me to get a much desired nap. 
The team effort for my nap continues with Christopher putting Abigail down for nap and keeping himself awake so even when Brady woke up and I fed him, I could give him to my honey and go back to bed for a while to wake up in peace. 
We all went on a nice long walk around the neighborhood and checked out the progress on our new church building. If so perfectly hit the spot. 
I pretty much just had a super fun time hanging out with my honey today. And Brady was excellent too, especially considering what a hard time we've been having with teething! And Abigail was pretty funny too. My favorite was when Chris finished his food before and he threw his hands up and said "won!"  And without missing a beat, Abigail threw her hands up and said "two!"  We all loved that "won."  


Bryan and Carolyn Turnage said...

So...will they release you as Young Women President? Our ward tries really hard not to have both the husband and wife be presidents of anything at the same time.

Lyndel said...

Yeah, what Carolyn said!? I'm curious too.

Also, I'm curious as to how Brady's poo-bonanza is Chris's doing? Definitely a good story tbere.