Friday, September 13, 2013

what i'm loving tonight

no bake energy bites- while i've eaten these before, this is the first time i've made them myself.  quick, super easy, very little mess, and simple enough to include your three year old in every step, these are a win all around.  and they taste like no bake cookies but are way healthier.  not guilt free but definitely a healthier option.  i told myself i was going to stick to the recipe because i never stick to whatever recipe i'm following and i got most of the way down the list but by the end i was pouring tons of honey on top and scooping in spoonfuls of nutella, just for kicks.  but i will have you know, they are superb.  i rolled them into little balls the size of a rounded tablespoon and got about two dozen.  we'll just have to see how long they last... next time i think i'll go ahead and double the recipe.

dad is fat- it's 275 pages of jim gaffigan, almost as funny as the hot pocket segment i fell in love with way back in the day.  and as much as it's meant just to make you laugh... he's got some real truthful gems that i find myself wanting to highlight because they're just that good.

and that's our short list because it's bedtime now.

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