Saturday, January 18, 2014

Princess party, model home, outback

I'm not gonna lie, Saturdays aren't my favorite. They're typically not interesting enough for me. Because I want to go out or do something as a family and honey wants to take the day to lounge and watch tv. No one is right or wrong on this but it is a disconnect. Today just kind of came together and really hit the spot for me though. 

Two dad ago, Abigail got invited to Michaela's princess birthday party. So my honey got the kids fed while I showered and I got Abigail dressed up while honey got Brady ready and then this princess fairy hybrid was off to the ball. 

Abigail thanks Liza for the dress and Emmy for the Ariel doll and my mom for the wand and tiara. I contributed her tights and t shirt. It's a whole family affair. She loved it. 

And while she was at the party, Brady and I went down the street to check out model homes for an hour. I looooooved it. Brady loved the stairs. My fondest memory was when I was looking in the bedrooms and Brady crawled backwards down the hall (whenever he wants to go down stairs, he backs up from his current location) and into the bathroom instead of down the stairs. Boy was so confused when he looked around and realized he was in the bathroom and had missed the stairs by two feet. I laugh at that kid all day long. 

I laugh at this kid too. 

Abigail really wanted to wear these sunglasses but they are still too big. It's a rough life for my kids with heads always less than the 20th percentile. We improvised. 

Brady has been sleeping so much lately (like 14 hours at night with a 3-4 hour nap in the day) so something is up. Not sure if it's a growth spurt or teething or what but the kid really needs sleep right now and today he woke up early from his nap in the first time in who knows how long. And it was bad news. But it worked out because all four of us headed over to my in laws for haircuts. Well, Chris and Brady got haircuts and I got a trim and Abigail just got her bangs trimmed. We were planning to go to outback for dinner (we are getting fat trying to use up all these gift cards before they expire) and John decided to join us so my in laws came as well and we all had an awesome time out at dinner. I love my mother in law. One of my favorite parts of the night?  When my mil got a picture text from her daughter showing a new basket they bought for the corner floor by their entertainment center and then immediately after (like literally within seconds) I got a picture text from my dad about the rs bars tools they got for the kitchen island. It was hilarious and too too perfect. 

Also great was that Abigail and Brady were really well behaved at dinner (Like the people in the booth across from us stopped by on their way out to tell me what cute kids we had) and even when Brady got fussy about eating and we didn't know what he wanted, he held it together and eventually just started grabbing fistfuls of sweet potato from my plate and shoving it in his mouth... Finishing the half of sweet potato I hadn't eaten. Cracks me up. He is way more independent about eating than I remember Abigail being. And he's really good with utensils too. Tuesday I was ready to give up on motherhood... But right now we are all on a roll and life is good. 

So nerdy of me but I'm super excited for tomorrow... It'll be my first time attending church in our new building!  And Abigail's first time attending primary in our ward. Bring it on!

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