Saturday, April 26, 2014


Lately I've been so tired and it's been impossible for me to get out of bed in the morning. I keep hoping I can sleep in but it doesn't happen. This morning my honeys alarm woke me up while he was in the shower. I never felt like i could actually get back to sleep after that and some amount of time later, Abigail came in and played quietly on our bed while she kept climbing over and around me while brushing through my bedhead and removing half of my hair in the process. No matter how many times I tried to explain that it was painfully pulling my hair out, she kept responding with a "wwwwhhhhhyyyyyy?  Why can't I do that?!"  And then my alarm went off and thirty minutes later I dragged myself from bed. 

I also had to drag this guy from bed to go visiting teaching. 

When we got back, we took a walk to the playground. On the way home, Brady decided he'd rather walk. 

Give me your opinion. And if you're reading this, I better hear from you because there's probably only two or three of you out there. 

Which bookcase topper option looks less strange?  The random assortment of stuffed animals and book?

Or this giant fake ivy plant that I got for free last night? 

Also, this was what abigail was doing when i came out of Brady's room from putting him down for nap. It was a precious moment we had. And we read books. 

And we're trying to grow her bangs out but sometimes clipping them back just isn't working. Hence this unique concoction. 

I used to let Brady feed himself his oatmeal. But then it wasn't worth it because it was sometimes so messy that it took me longer to clean everything up than if I would have just spoon fed it to him. So I always just feed it to him with a spoon. Today I decided to see if he had matured at all with age. Sadly, the only thing matured is his ability to make a huge mess. Taking him out of his chair, it was all over his arms and bib and alllll through his hair. I cleaned him off as best I could and got everything except some in his hair. We could get that during bath time. A few minutes later, Brady feel and cried so I picked him up. And for some mysterious reason, I feel something wet on my arm. Somehow his little bum was dirty with oatmeal. And now it has spread to both of my arms. Then I look down at this. 

I guess when he was eating, he somehow got a whole bunch of oatmeal underneath him, so when I was waging him off in the sink, I was unknowingly, simultaneously, cleaning off his tiny bum with the side of my shirt. The craziest part was that it took me so long to even notice. It was so much oatmeal! What the heck! 

Abigail got to play at Elle's twice today. Once when we were visiting teaching Jodi, and then later when Jodi came by to drop off a tie she got for Brady and invited Abigail to come over again. That second time, Abigail came home with monsters inc and said Elle let her borrow it. I'm all, "ohh fun!  We can watch it tonight after daddy gets home and we're done eating dinner!"  She was super excited. But then most of the way through dinner she tells me that she's tired and wants to go to bed. Chris tried to convince her to stay up and watch the movie but she wasn't feeling it. So at 7:30, we headed up to bed and read books. I left at 8 and told her I'd check on her soon and she was still awake at 8:20 when I went in her room to put away her laundry. So I guess she wasn't sleepy so much as just worn out from the day. Either way though, so cute. 

Also, this guy. Took forever to fall asleep tonight. He is the slowest teether evvvveeeeerrrrrrrrr.  

Other noteables:

Honey grilled us hamburgers and hot dogs for dinner... It's feeling more like summer!
Abigail told me all about how Elle gave her a gun. (Which we eventually discovered was gum... When Abigail took it out of her mouth to show me)
Brady is finally consistently signing. He's also seeming like he's got interesting in trying to form words with his mouth. Baby signs are the most adorable thing ever. 
I made powdered laundry detergent this afternoon and used the method of microwaving the zote soap and putting it in the blender. I learned from the experience so hopefully it won't be a hassle at all next time. But right now, I'm loving that my soap blended to a fine powder. I have such pretty pink laundry detergent now.  

Yesterday we were in the library parking lot when a car started to move ad I couldn't see Abigail. I panicked and called out her name. But then she panicked and started running. So I yelled repeatedly for her to stop but shakeout running... All the way around my car to me. I grabbed her so fast and swooped her into my arms where she was terrified and almost crying. Whatever anger I almost felt was completely obliterated when I saw her face and heard her voice quiver while blurting out, "I got scared because I didn't know what to do!"  I just held her so tight. It wasn't a dangerous situation so I feel terrible for frightening her, but ohmygoodness, what a sweet experience for me to have. I told her that I felt the same way, that I also got scared because I didn't know what to do... And that happens to me frequently. 

Heavenly father knows just how to teach us. 

Speaking of, to document for myself, this happened Wednesday night. 

A few sleepless nights. Like this one at 1:47. Yes, Heavenly Father is mindful of us and exactly what we need. 


Diana C. said...

I always love reading your blog carrie! I like the book case with the books and stuffed animals better. miss you!

ok said...

I like the stuffed animals better too ;)