Sunday, April 27, 2014


Honey took Abigail to the rec center playground and pool today while I waited for Brady to wake up (I didn't get him out of his crib til almost 12:30!  I blame teething) and took him with me I run errands at the library and target and Walmart. 

Abigail loved it all but was in heaven going down the big water slide. And apparently it wore her out because she fell asleep on the way home. 

Brady was randomly laughing or screaming throughout our errand process and spent a huge chunk of our time in Walmart literally screaming while strangers gave him sympathetic looks. I price matched some amazing deals. 

That all took forever and then I put groceries away and went to pick up our babysitter. The avs game tonight was incredible and really the whole day was just great.

I. Am. Exhausted. 

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