Monday, June 2, 2014

No pictures

We went to the pool today with my long lost friend kylee. It was wonderful. Going to the pool is extra great because you just wake up, eat and go. And then after a few hours (munching and lounging poolside), you just go home and it's nap time. I rarely nap during naptime (mostly just on Sundays) but I love that Brady naps and Abigail has frequently earned a movie so I get that time to do whatever I want. Like cleaning out the laundry room cabinets and various little home projects like that. I swear I'm ever so slowly chipping away at the disorganization in our home. And honey came home really early. 

I put him to work folding laundry, doing dishes (from the weekend... If I don't clean the kitchen before I go to bed at night, it's still going to be a disaster all of the following day. I just never have time to catch up with it), and playing with the kids while I ran all over the house putting things in order. 

Abigail played at Lucy's for a while and then even went to the playground with her. I was super social as a kid, always begging my mom to let me go play with friends. Abigail could give my childhood self a run for the money. She was so thrilled I said she could go to Lucy's. tonight as I was telling her goodnight, I told her that chase was coming over to play on the morning. Without saying a word, her whole face lit up and she gasped as she sat up and threw her arms around my neck. It's the moments like this that make me feel good about the preschool decision. I think it will be the right thing. 

After dinner, we gave the kids a bath (even though I've half resigned myself to the fact that they're just going to be a whole mess of dirt, sweat, and sunscreen all summer long), and got them to bed at 8:30 (which feels so early because it's still so bright outside... I can't get used to it) so we could watch a million hours (well, two, two hour episodes) of the bachelorette. 

It was a good day. I didn't take any pictures, and I can't exactly tell you all of the productive things I got done, but I spent virtually no time on my phone and that part was amazing. I had energy and i just went with the day. Now I'm just excited for a good night of sleep and another fun day with the kids. 

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