Saturday, August 30, 2014

no training wheels

this week, abigail's friend, lucy, learned how to ride a bike without training wheels.  it literally took her two or three days to learn and abigail thought it was pretty cool.  so friday night, i borrowed a pedal-less bike from a friend so abigail could practice her balance.  well, she rode it for 20 or 30 minutes friday night and then maybe another 20 minutes this afternoon before i told christopher to take the training wheels off of abigail's pink bike. 

now we just need to fine tune her starting and stopping skills.

for anyone looking to teach their kid how to ride a bike without training wheels, look into a balance bike like strider or wee ride that doesn't have pedals.  it literally took abigail less than 24 hours to go from zero experience without training wheels to riding all up and down our street.  i've heard people swear by these bikes.  now i'm a believer too.

my kid is turning into a real girl.

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