Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Happy early birthday to me!

Honey ordered a fit bit recently from Amazon. And today he got it... Times two. It was fulfilled twice. Two separate boxes and everything. Honey was all "umm, that's kind of a big mistake for Amazon to make.  It's not like I ordered notecards and they sent me an extra pack.  I mean, they sent an extra Fitbit."  Of course he contacted Amazon to tell them about the mistake but Amazon is like costco in that they have excellent customer service. So they said something along the lines of "thanks for letting us know... Consider this a thank you from Amazon for being a valued customer."* 

So now we have his and hers fitbits. I'm having honey give it to me for my birthday. ; ) 

*i have always been a luckier than average person. I'm not sure how this happens, but I do seem to experience these kinds of situations more than most people... And I have a knack for winning raffles and cake walks and anything else that is pure luck and no skill. Don't worry... I recognize this as a gift and am extremely grateful for it. 

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