Thursday, March 10, 2016

Let's celebrate!

I think I'm a lazier person than most. What I accomplish on a daily basis is almost always disappointing to me. But today, I felt pretty satisfied with everything. So let's take a moment to celebrate this success!  Also, let's pretend I do this stuff allll the time. 

This morning I woke up on my own around 7:30. Because I'd gone to bed at 9:30 and only woken up once (with Elizabeth at 10:30 since I'd put her to bed at 6pm) in there. Brady and Abigail got ready 99% on their own and ate breakfast great. Elizabeth was awake in her crib when I woke up and was her usual adorable self all morning. She hung out in her high chair during breakfast... All three kids at that end of the table. It was precious. I curled Abigail's hair before school (this is now my favorite thing to do because it is the quickest and easiest way to 100% disguise the crazy bed heads she wakes up with each morning. I used to have to wet it completely and try to brush it straight. Now I can just break it in sections to wrap about my wand for a few seconds and were good to go. Also, she looks amazing with her hair curled. At least I think so. It's seriously the cutest thing ever even though it's just a few relaxed curls. And she's a good sport about it. She looked precious today although I think she's such a cute kid in general. She wore her ripped old navy jeans, that navy blue flower shirt I got her at kohls (I always love when she actually likes any item of clothing that I've picked out), her pink fleece, and brown riding boots. Maybe that's why I loved her outfit... I actually purchased everything she wore... Right down to her socks and undies. That makes me smile. 

When we got home, Elizabeth fed herself a bottle (I'd had to pump when she woke up because she only ate one side) in her car seat while I hurried to make some banana muffins. I'm cleaning out my freezer and this was the last of my frozen bananas. Woohoo! Brady was kinda whiny (maybe it's because he's still feeling a bit sick but yikes, the boy whines like it's his job) but I didn't let it really bother me. I swept and cleaned up and put away groceries (from seriously two days ago because I suck) and got dressed and even curled my hair and put on mascara. Elizabeth woke up and we got Abigail from school. 

I gave Elizabeth some applesauce and the kids ate the rest of their oatmeal and cuties and apple and some banana muffins and gathered some books and movies and we hit up the library for a bit. The library is my happy place. When we go, we return a big stack of books and then I send the kids to play on the game computers while I filled Elizabeth's stroller with tons of new books. Then I grab a couple of DVDs they might like (today was a magic school bus) and plop myself on the little bench to do whatever I want on my phone for however long I want. Because all three kids are quiet and content. Today we also read some board books before checking everything out and heading home. And I even finally paid for the little baseball board book that we lost a few months ago (and I've just been renewing). I've never lost a library book before, but luckily this one was only $8 and they said they would refund my money if I ever found it and brought it back. Sweet. 

When we got home, the kids did their things and picked a Dora show to watch. Right now, I love having the kids watch something around 4 o clock. I can get them to do anything I want before they get to watch a show (clean up all their toys and stuff) and it gives me time to make dinner (which I rarely do) or recharge my patience (which is typically necessary)... Today I used Mexican chicken (from the freezer cleanout) to make a few pans of chicken enchiladas. One went in the oven for dinner. Two went to the freezer. I think cooking is such a pain because I'm so easily distracted and it's stressful for me, but these enchiladas are really super easy so it makes me feel all domestic when it's such a breeze to throw together. 

We got a bunch of produce at sprouts yesterday (I think it was only my second time shopping there, ever.  But I'm redoing the way that I shop now that Walmart is changing their policies and is basically a huge pain) so the kids had an apple and cuties before dinner and then ate enchiladas and mango and avocado and Abigail had some tomato as well. 

Honey got home (with a headache) and we had a fun conversation about how eating healthy foods is annoying because fruits and vegetables typically don't keep you full long at all. Honey ate lunch at 12:30 and said he was starved by 1. I told him he needed to eat some protein for lunch to keep him full a little longer. ; ) 

I put Abigail and Brady to bed except that honey read them scriptures while I got Elizabeth up and nursed her. The kids did well and I did really well being their mom. We read books and really just took our time. It was quiet and enjoyable. I didn't focus on the clock and getting them to bed on time... Just on doing our things. I didn't tell them goodnight til 8:30, but it's okay. I feel good about it. I fed Elizabeth the leftover avocado and tomato and she loved it. And she hung out with me while I ate and cleaned up and it was just great. I didn't get her to bed til maybe 10, but once again, I ignored the clock and just did my thing. Everyone else was asleep and it was so great to get that one on one time with her. I even gave her a little haircut. Even if it was just one snip of about a quarter inch from five hairs. ; ) 

So, my house is all picked up, my dishwasher is humming away, everyone is fast asleep, and I fed my family and kept my patience all day long. I even looked decent while doing it!  Can we pretend that I do this every day? Because that would be amazing. 

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