Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Random thoughts from halfway through the week

Today was good. 

I got Abigail to school late, but I did fix the button on her favorite pink coat and help her write in mr. Bear's journal... And we were calm and on good terms. 

Brady took a nap, so I put Elizabeth to sleep as soon as I could and they overlapped for an hour or so. I read in the red chair in the sun. I think I'm maybe on page 9 of Jesus the Christ. I'm getting nowhere fast. 

The kids had their first taste today of the magic school bus and they liked it and learned a bit. I loved magic school bus books as a kid. I thought they were sooo cool. 

Elizabeth is crazy. She can't stand vegetables (although I think I'm making progress on the non-green ones like carrots and sweet potato) but was loving grapefruit tonight. Honey was eating one and we thought it would be fun to give her a taste to see how she would handle the sour and we could laugh at her sour pucker face. Not the case. It was like we were feeding her applesauce or something. So she actually ate several wedges (that I cut small for her and fed her with a spoon) and I was able to use the juice to mix with carrots to get her to eat that. Ha. Also, for reference for my future children... I'm having luck easing into veggies by adding applesauce to peas (or whatever she doesn't like) and feeding her that. Then with a few bites left, I mix in more peas to the current mixture. And then again when there's only a few bites left. So by the end, she's pretty much eating straight peas. Tonight I did it with carrots and it was pretty flawless. Green veggies are harder because she dislikes them more, but it still works. My other kids had more issue with texture (only liked jarred purées, not mashed or cut up stuff) than taste so this is pretty new to me. 

Abigail and I had a good day today. We talked, read books, she played with Brady... It was nice. She brought home a cat in the hat, hat that she made that had rhyming words on it. So I had her write out the alphabet and ad "at" to all the letters and then put a sit next to the ones that made real words. I'm kinda sucky at explaining why "eat" and "oat" don't rhyme with the other real words like sat, may, fat, pat, etc. Is there a better explaination than "sometimes words are tricky..."  

Brady loves giving Elizabeth kisses (and me and chris actually too) and is always "I need to smooch Elizabeth" or "ummm, I need to give Elizabeth five kisses" and then counts them out. It's adorable. He's been kinda passive aggressive though lately and acting more crazy and babyish. Not sure if it's a phase or what, but the pro of it is that I can point it out to Abigail and she sees it from the outside perspective and it helps her to be more mature. So they're not seeming like twins anymore lately and that's alright. Even if Brady might drive me crazy sometimes I feel like I have Abigail on my side. 

I sure love my honey. Tonight, our whole family was just great together. This afternoon, Abigail asked if it was almost nighttime. "Not really... Would you like it to be nighttime already?" "Yes! Because I want to see daddy!!!" The kids built a fort to hide in (with zero prompting from me) and it reminded me of the can't-be-more-obvious hiding places I would think of for my dad to find me when he got home from work. It was serious déjà vu. 

Elizabeth is the easiest, most smiley, constantly laughing baby ever. She cries when she's hurt and that's basically it. A typical day involves less than 20 seconds of crying (if that). Today was me accidentally bonking her face when I was reaching for something I think. I can't remember, but Brady immediately turned to me (kinda angrily... because like I said, he's got an attitude now) and, stern faced and completely serious was all "*you* did that."  Sadly, yes. 

Also, I collected visiting teaching reports. I got rid of traditional districts reporting to supervisors and had everyone report straight to me. And I collect the rest. It's so much easier. I seriously love my calling. 

I put a tall mug of milk on my nightstand each night before I go to bed. When I wake up during the night (normally for Elizabeth), then I chug the glass of milk and go nurse her. It is the most delicious ten seconds of my day. I can't even describe it, but every time is amazing beyond words. It gives me the best motivation of hop out of bed no matter how tired I am. 

Speaking of which... I guess I'm so good at staying half asleep when I get up with Elizabeth that sometimes my Fitbit just thinks that I'm restless. Yes, Fitbit, I went 80 steps and up a flight of stairs but I'm not fully awake... Just call me "restless." Most of the time it's really accurate. But a time or two (like last night) it hasn't been and I thought it was pretty funny. 

I'm going to Georgia next month for my grandmother's birthday. I think about it every day. Granny is also super excited. I talked to her on the phone the other day and she was so excited that she turned to my mom all "Kay! Carrie said she's going to call me on my birthday!!!" Even while I'm yelling into the phone "NO GRANNY. I'M GOING TO BE THERE WITH YOU ON YOUR BIRTHDAY. WE ALREADY HAVE PLANE TICKETS."  But she's still stuck on that phone call. I'm telling myself it's because she's just thrilled. Hopefully she's not disappointed. 

We're having so much spring weather that I keep forgetting its winter. Abigail is also confused about it. Brady knows it's winter and is oblivious to the fact that it feels like spring. When I'm parking in the garage he's always saying "mom, when I get unbuckled, can I shovel the driveway?"  No Brady. There's no snow.  "Whhhhyyyy mom?!  Why is there no snow on the driveway????"  Also, I still loooove when he says stuff like "last day" instead of yesterday or whatever. It makes sense I guess when we say "last month" and "last week" that we should say "last day" but it never occurred to me before Brady made it a regular phrase. Also. I need to make muffins. For no other reason than that I love to hear him ask for "nuffins."  

I've enjoyed this season of the bachelor and I couldn't figure out why because it's more boring than most. Then I realized it's because I think the guy and his two finalist girls are actually normal and likeable. And because I like boring stuff. Don't get me too emotionally invested. I don't enjoy that. 

Is anyone else still going crazy that Bernie sanders won multiple states last night?!?!  Including Colorado. Of course. Because Colorado just votes like that. First weed, then Bernie sanders. With other stuff in the middle. I swear, I meet people when I'm traveling and it's only drama the stuff they hear about Colorado in the news. We can't appear to be normal state or anything close to it. 

And I think that's a wrap. I'm definitely not going to be meeting my sleep goal tonight...

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