Saturday, March 12, 2016

Spring is around the corner

Friday was good. I woke up feeling like I had a hangover. I'd only gotten like two or three hours of sleep... Interrupted because Elizabeth woke up sometime in there... Because my phone was on the verge of crashing from having zero memory so I spent hours backing stuff up and clearing memory. I'm sure it's a quicker job than that but I'm not super tech savvy so it took me a while. Anyway, moving my head was horrific. But I got Abigail to school, was productive while she was gone, and even had Brady and myself dressed when it came time to pick her up. 

I popped some alieve finally and we all went to a park around one. The weather was almost perfect. A tad on the hot side, but really, it was great. We stayed for 2.5 hours. Even then, we only left because I had to drop three things back by the library and wanted to have time to make dinner for Christopher who was having a difficult day at work. It was just great and I was enjoying the spring weather until I saw a spider keep crossing the sidewalk. I like a lot of things about winter like hot chocolate and watching the pretty snow fall, but my all time very favorite part of winter is that I never ever see spiders. So, for that reason, I kinda dread spring and summer... but I'm trying to be a little better about it this year. Pray for me and maybe I can skip being jumpy and breaking out into a full body sweat every time I see a dark piece of lint on the floor. While we were at the playground, Jodi called me back and we talked for over half an hour. I seriously never ever see or talk to her anymore and that simple phone call made me feel so much better. Also, by the time I got off the phone with her, my headache was nearly gone. 

I ran those things by the library and Brady and Elizabeth both fell asleep on the way home. Abigail and I walked to the mailbox together. My new watch came!  Woohoo!  We just cancelled our Amazon prime and this is the first thing I've ordered since then. All I kept thinking was "this sure isn't two day shipping anymore" just like how Dorothy says her comment about "this sure isn't Kansas."  It took an entire week but it's okay. It's so pretty. Now I just need to take it in to get sized and my wrist can have a real watch again instead of the Fitbit I've been using! I made spaghetti pie (well, from the freezer) and zucchini and garlic bread .  I know most people probably make dinner every night, but I don't. So this dinner made me feel very accomplished. It was also delicious so I sat down and ate with the family even though I should have taken Elizabeth up to bed. During dinner, when honey had only been home maybe 15 minutes, Elizabeth was yelling and fussing and he was all "what is her deal tonight?!?!" Well, it was because she'd been awake for 9 hours with the exception of a ten minute nap in her car seat (Brady woke her up because he wanted to play with her, ugh) and she was so insanely tired. But it was so perfect. That's the best way to describe how always happy she is. When she fusses and our reaction is "holy cow, what is her deal?!?!" because it's so uncharacteristic of her. 

So, the day started horribly and thankfully got better. I'm gonna remember this for the next time I wake up with a throbbing head. It'll give me hope. ; ) 

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