Wednesday, March 30, 2016

The joy of less

That's the book I've been reading and I'm loving it. I read some conference talk or maybe it was at a church meeting or something... I can't remember... But the phrase was "knowledge with out action is just education."  I'm better at reading about something than actually doing it. Like crafts or recipes or cleaning. I've been trying to make that phrase my temporary mantra (until it becomes more of a habit) and it's going well. I've been reading the joy of less (far better than the life hanging magic of tidying up) and am loving it. It is motivating and inspiring and it just makes sense, even to my hoarding heart. I am really good at organizing, but too frequently, I've been reaching points of exhaustion because there is just so much stuff. Or it's stuff I don't like that I'm always having to look at and feel guilty that I don't use. Or it's stuff that just can't be organized (because it serves no purpose and has no reason to be in my home) and even I can't come up with an organized solution for it. This book is really helping. It's helped me realize that I'm more of a minimalist than I would have previously thought (I like my home to be pretty minimal, even if I end up stashing all of the junk and extras in the basement) and that I just need to build on that. I'm barely scratching the surface but I really like where it's going. 

Also, I'm still not sure where it came from, but I still have a lot of motivation and energy to my days... Even when I wake up tired or with a headache. I am so amazingly thankful for this. My time is spent being euphoric about it and also being scared that it is only temporary. Part of me wonders if it is connected to my lack of facebook though. I still haven't been on facebook. I think it's been over six weeks. I'm still scared of relapsing but I can't deny how much happier I am to be done of it. My thoughts are focused and positive. I feel better about myself and those around me. I feel soooo much more in control of my life. I've been reading so much more (even if a lot of it is just articles online) and I love it. When I sit down, I don't scroll though people's posts and political crap, I think of anything... ANYTHING!... And then I can google it. Random facts, a better way to do something I've been struggling with, and a lot of inspirational stories and tips on minimalism. Not like I'm ever really going to be a minimalist, but I'm all for applying those principles to my own life to achieve more focus and simplicity. I've had more patience with my kids (goodness knows I still need a ton more though) and more motivation to be a better wife and mother. It's been about ten days since I started providing "enough food" (that's how I phrase it for me) for my family and it has reduced a tremendous amount of guilt from my everyday life. I have so much enthusiasm for becoming the person I want to be. I don't know how long this will last (I wish forever... HA) and I'm worried it'll derail while I'm getting ready for my trip to Georgia next month and while I'm gone and when I'm getting home and recovering and then again ten days later when I take a little trip with my honey. And then it'll be summer and then lots more traveling. So, I'm just going as best I can right now. 

I have no social media connections right now (I have accounts with facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest but don't use them) so this blog is the closest I have to that... Which is likely why it just hasn't really been on my mind lately. But I just wanted to pop in and say that life has been really really really really good. I have been super happy. Abigail and Brady are doing great. Elizabeth is getting teeth and I'm working to wean her from the swaddle (tonight she feel asleep for the first time with one arm out... And no binky or crying involved!). Honey has been spending more time at home and it has been so nice to have him around more. 

My heart is full of gratitude. I am just so thankful. 

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