Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Going all day

As usual, honey was gone before any of the rest of us even woke up. 

Becky came over and picked up a shop vac. Because we have two... both free... Never been used by us. So now I only have one more shop vac to give away. ; ) 

I already had both kids buckled in the car when she got here so we left as soon as she was gone. I picked up a few things at Walmart. Mainly diapers (ibotta had &5 off Luvs), milk (we had less than two gallons left), and produce (we were almost all out). We were in and out pretty quick by my standards and had plenty of time to drop off the groceries and be early to get Abigail. 

I made the kids a picnic lunch that they ate in the front yard... pbj, grapes, and Pringles... and they rode their bikes and played. Emma came over to play. She's the neighbor in Abigail's class at school. I have mixed feelings about that friendship and as always, feel uneasy about Abigail spending so much time with a friend. They played for several hours. Outside, inside our house, inside Emma's house, rinse and repeat. Brady loves riding on the john deer gator we inherited from Chris's parents. Poor Elizabeth didn't get a morning nap because we were at Walmart and then she got woken up at 3 from all the loud playing inside. So between 8:30am and 8:30pm, she only got a short two hour nap. And her other top tooth is finally breaking skin (yesterday and today) and I know she's in pain from it. She's such a trooper. 

I vacuumed the whole house (minus the far reaches of the dining room, office, and guest room... If our vacuum cord was just a few feet longer...) and did all the dishes, cleaned all the kitchen counters and table, swept and mopped the kitchen, finally put away the remaining laundry on the guest room bed, and picked up the whole house. And remember, I went grocery shopping too. and even got dressed and did my hair and makeup and read while I sat outside and watched the kids play. When I type it up, I can see that I really was going nonstop and I don't feel so bad that I'm so exhausted right now. 

Kids are so much work. 

I'm an unrelated note (except that it's constantly on my mind)... The kids and I are going to atlanta a week from tomorrow!!!!!  I am soooo excited. This weekend I can start working on my list of stuff I have to do before I leave town and probably lay out clothes and stuff for the kids. Also, I need to make a concentrated effort to get a lot of sleep this week since that's always a struggle anytime I'm in Georgia. Twelve glorious days... It's gonna be amazing. Just gotta keep myself productive until then. 

Also, the weather today was so wonderful. Super hot, then cloudy and cool, then hot, then raining, then cloudy again and raining again. Spring has arrived. ; ) 

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