Friday, April 22, 2016

To the farm!

It's 2am, so naturally, I just needed to throw up a few pictures. We made it to the farm! And technically, today is granny's birthday!!!  I can't wait to celebrate. She told me tonight she didn't expect to live this long. Ha, I don't think many of us do! I hope she enjoys the day and the festivities. She deserves it. 

Today, we woke up, packed the car, came to the farm, hung out a bit, ran errands (mom and I), played outside (dad and the kids), and then got everyone to bed as they came. We've got a full house here tonight! 

Brady, constantly sports. 

Her most preferred sleeping position. 

The third row crew. Abigail worked on her journaling and school work. 

The front two rows. 

Granny's safe headrest. ; ) And Elizabeth's loving gaze. 

They love this bike. 

Abigail has been in heaven with all my old barbies. Also, she likes when we watch her play. And luckily, Elizabeth provides a happy audience. 

I walked out to this. It made my heart so happy. 

Honey spent the night at the Rockies game with his brothers. 

Mom and I got all the stuff on dad's list. We call him grandfather Christmas. My favorite quote from him this trip was about how he's the grandpa and his job is to say "YES! And would you like ice cream with that?!"  Haha. I love it. Mom and I were basically just his little elves. 

Meanwhile, at the North Pole... 

They love the cousin babes. 

It was adorable. 

These little twins were so excited to match. 

Those thighs. I texted this picture to honey. He told me I should just go ahead and take a bite. We call that crime. Honey loves taking a bite out of crime. I told him it was pretty tempting. I'm missing that guy tonight. 

I was so insanely exhausted this morning. Like my body was making up for how awake I was yesterday. So this morning I woke up feeling drugged. Crossing my fingers I won't feels that way tomorrow.  But seriously, this is her favorite sleep position. That left hand is always tucked under her back like that, head to the right. I love her so much. 

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