Tuesday, October 11, 2016

A more manageable Monday

We did chick fil a breakfast (calendar card egg white grill! Thanks mom!) and play place with honey. He met us there and it was the saddest thing ever when we had to say goodbye. 

We hit up the library and Safeway on our way home. 

I played flaws for the kids in the car and they loved it. Five times later and I was all "I should get this cd from the library so I don't keep using data for this." I walked past the cd shelf and this caught my eye. Didn't even have to go digging for it or put it on hold! The kids were pumped. 

She's not crazy into puzzles... Can you tell? 

This made my day that I didn't have to hold Elizabeth while helping Brady go potty. 

Brady had a picnic when we got home. 

The kids plays outside with the neighbors  and then watched a letter factory. 

We had Costco orange chicken, rice, and broccoli for dinner. I felt like honey deserved something good after doing a bunch of dishes this morning before going to work. 

And then we put kids to bed and I unsuccessfully tried to fix our upstairs running toilet. 

It was a better day than anticipated! 

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