Thursday, October 13, 2016

Free day in South Dakota

After our kind of late arrival in rapid city, South Dakota, somehow every member in our family quietly and independently woke up by 7:06. 

Honey got ready and left for work while we got ready and went down for breakfast.  Our waiter was really nice, it was really good, and we had a whole table of food. It was annoying not having a buffet though. The kids kept wondering where the food was. I guess there are pros and cons to everything. 

By 9:41, we were ready for the pool. They walked there exactly like you see here. 

This is my body that thinks Luke warm food feels burning like fire... Hovering his feet over a hot tub. Kind of like how we gather around a campfire. 

What happens when she sees herself in the camera on my phone. 

Hot tubbing. 

I gave her the binky because it's not super fun to sit in a stroller and watch your siblings swim for a few hours. It's hard for her to suck on s binky without her check finding something to snuggle. 

She's so good at smiling for the camera. 

And then we had been there a couple hours and I had just a few more visiting teaching emails to send out so I told the kids just a few more minutes. And when I looked down next, she was out. 

She only slept for 30 minutes and then couldn't get settled again. But by the time we left, we'd been there for just under four hours. In an indoor pool. With no friends, toys, or treats. That still blows my mind. And Elizabeth stayed in her stroller the whole time with no complaints at all. The girl is an angel. Also, my other kids know she's my favorite and they don't even blame me. Probably because she's their favorite too. Also, I love that Brady loves pushing her in the stroller or shopping cart or whatever. He's so good at that and I love the extra help. 
To the playground. 


Find the three kids. 

And to the playground again. 

Who knew South Dakota could be so pretty and enjoyable? This is just a great trip so far especially considering that day stranded at the hotel without a car was suppose to be our most difficult. 

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