Friday, October 21, 2016

Sleeping in

I know, I suck at blogging. It's hard to keep up on everything so then I end up doing nothing. 

So, here's my short little post instead. 

I lock my bedroom door at night to keep out my children. But then Chris leaves for work early in the morning and unlocks it so it still frequently wake up with a sleeping Brady next to me. But Chris is out of town in Utah right now, so this morning I woke up around 7:30, so the sound of Brady shaking my bedroom door, confused that it was still locked. I unlocked it and we climbed in my bed. He was instantly out and I dozed in and out of sleep til 8 when my alarm was going off and I heard Abigail coming down the stairs. She did some stickers in the kitchen before I got her at 8:15 and had her get dressed and eat breakfast. Then I packed her lunch and did her hair and we even did some stickers together.i had her to school shortly after 9 (after a stretch of barely making it on time) and when I got home, both kids were still sound asleep so I read on my phone in the red chair until Brady woke up at 10:30. We got back in bed to read out of our big Disney stories book and I saw Elizabeth sit up in her crib. It's almost 11 now and she still hasn't made a noise but we'll go get her soon. This was probably the most perfect morning I could have hoped for. 


I lied, I didn't go get her soon. She stayed sitting up in her crib for an hour and then put her head back down at 11:30. And then popped her head back up by 12:30. I guess we all needed a lazy morning. 

So I got her out at 12:45 and was thinking that maybe I'd just have her skip a nap and then go to bed early. Except that at 2:30, she was sensitive. Like even if I gave her a binky, she wouldn't just crawl around and play (even though I was watching Janel's two youngest so she had plenty of kids to entertain her)... she wanted to be held. So I thought to myself that maybe I would just put her in her crib for 30 minutes or so for her to have some peaceful resting downtime. She fussed a bit but eventually fell asleep. For about four hours. I'm blaming her two right molars. She's just not herself and I'm glad I didn't try to get her out of bed earlier this morning. So, even though I didn't get her out of her crib til 6:45 or something, I put her to bed at 8:45. This baby just needed to sleep things off today. Bless her precious little heart. 

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