Saturday, July 31, 2010

2 weeks postpartum

so technically this should have been posted on thursday, but, surprise, i forgot.

How far along: 2 weeks postpartum  (7.29.10)
Total weight gain/loss: not sure... one week ago i was down 16 lbs leaving me at a +8lbs.  but i've been eating a LOT of brownies since then... as i said, that whole "healthy eating during pregnancy" thing was going down the drain after she came out!
Maternity clothes?: no thank you!  i'm wearing my normal clothes and loving it!  my shirts are so much longer without the belly!  and i don't care that i have that spare tire look around my middle.  I STILL FEEL SKINNY so don't you tell me otherwise.
Stretch marks?: the ones around my belly button are barely visible because they aren't so stretched anymore.  the ones on my side... they look as bad as ever.  but with my pudgy tummy out front, who has time to worry about sides?!?!
Sleep: sleep is fabulous.  only two nightmares in two weeks!  and i can get four or five hours at a time.  it is SO much more restful than during pregnancy!
Best moment this week: there are so many.  but i one of my favorites was last night.  chris and i went shopping in redwood city to get him some new clothes.  towards the end, baby girl woke up and wanted to eat.  i took her to the car, got out my cute nursing cover, had a darn good feeding session, changed her diaper on the back seat, and got her situated back in her carseat (all while keeping her bow nicely in place).  i don't care what working people say about stay at home moms, but at that moment (and obviously still right now) i felt EXTREMELY accomplished.  i was handed a challenging new task and i passed the test with flying colors!  i need a plaque.
Movement: it was so weird that the first few days after she was born, i swear i could still feel her moving inside of me.  i'm sure it was probably just a contracting uterus or something like that, but let me tell you, it was creepy!  but anyways, these days, i just love watching her move when she's asleep.  she millions of facial expressions and all of the stretches... it's bliss.
Food cravings:  i call them crack brownies.  they're actually normal (or so they seem) brownies with a little powdered sugar on them but they taste like they have a whole stick of butter in every bite!  YUM!  someone in the ward brought them over.  why are people bringing so many treats when they know i'm still fat?!?!
Gender: GIRL!!!  i absolutely love the bows and polka dots and flowers and EVERYTHING PINK!  absolute heaven.
What I miss:  ummm, it's crazy that as much as i absolutely loved being pregnant... this is just so much better!
Milestones: it's been TWO WEEKS already.  holy cow.  and that i'm only taking a few painkillers a day.
Theme: i have a new life now
Extra:  i posted a comment on facebook about how my in laws left and i was going to be on my own for the first time.  i absolutely loved one of the replies i got "actually, you'll never be on your own again.  that girl is here to stay."  i've thought about it a million times since then.  i love it, i love it, i love it.


Jeff said...

Another great post, but where are more pictures of Baby Abby? And, you have every right to feel accomplished about nursing and changing a baby in the car. It's not easy. I'd recommend eating lots of brownies now because you may start to care what you look like.

Emily Jones said...

Carrie! You and Abby look amazing!I say keep those brownies coming...they're doing you good. Love you

Sara said...

This made me smile.

I love how much you loved being pregnant, but so happy you're pleased to be getting back to your own body.

And where are these crack brownies coming from?