Sunday, July 25, 2010

small update

i'm still here.

life is going really really well.  miss abigail elise is doing so so well and is already winning awards for the world's easiest baby.  as much as i loved being pregnant, i am LOVING all of the energy that i have now and enjoy not falling asleep every time i sit down for more than two seconds.  christopher on the other hand is feeling severely sleep deprived but i'm sure he'll get over it with time.  i had a really really really rough recovery but with the help of numerous appointments and calls to doctors and nurses a lot of motrin and narcotics and the passing of time... i'm getting better little by little.  much thanks to my mom and chris and chris's mom for waiting on me hand and foot and taking care of me while i take care of abigail.  they have been lifesavers.  around here we don't do too much.  we eat, play, and sleep.  that cycle continuously repeats and i love it.  i feel such purpose in life right now and my biggest problem is being gentle with abigail when all i really want to do is smother her with hugs and kisses.  but gentle i will be...

until she can handle more vigorous affection.


Sara said...

Congratulations, Carrie!

So sorry to hear you had a rough recovery, but glad you're doing better and that Miss Abigail isn't putting you through the ringer just yet.

megan b. said...

i am so glad everything went okay! recovery is a beast! abigail is absolutely beautiful! enjoy every single minute because it really is gone so fast! and ps my swimsuit is from downeast basics.

Whitney said...

I'm glad you are feeling better! I LOVE her name. Abigail has always been one of my favorites but was already taken in Jeff's family...darn it! Glad you are enjoying your time with your little one!