Monday, July 26, 2010

the tired caught me

maybe it was adrenaline or maybe that i wasn't on intense pain meds... but the first week i was wired... the next few days still doing fine.  and today, i got tired.  perfect timing since my mother in law leaves tomorrow morning.

oh my goodness, wish me luck.


Jen said...

That's normal Carrie!! I always have a rush of adrenaline after the baby is born. . . too bad it wears off after too long.

Bryan and Carolyn Turnage said...

Just remember...nap when she naps! There will be plenty of time to catch up on things later! For now...when she falls asleep, at least go and lay down! It's amazing how much that will help!

megan b. said...

oh how i remember that first week. i was so wound up i would just lie in bed and wait for the crying to start. hang in there! I remember so many nights walking up and down our hallway holding halle and just praying and praying that she would go to sleep. reading my scriptures helped me a ton with handling the exhaustion and also with baby blues. they were very healing for me and calmed my nerves a ton. I remember perfectly the day my mom went back home. i was so scared, but the motherly instincts come and everything will be fine. oh and you might think the exhaustion will kill you, but it won't. somehow you are made equal to the task. i am cheering you on! rah rah mommy carrie!

Sara said...

Hang in there, Carrie! I know you're already an amazing mom and soon you'll be a maternal bad-ass.

I have faith.