Wednesday, December 21, 2011

down on the farm

this will be short because emmy is sleeping and i'm typing on a keyboard with an extremely loud spacebar.  today baby girl and i picked my hasn't-blogged-in-a-while-sister emmy up from the airport and came straight to the farm (where my precious grandparents live).  we had a grand old time and now they are both fast asleep and looking so very peaceful.

my baby has developed a fear of and hatred for bath time.  any suggestions?  she doesn't like getting her hair washed... and now she's smart enough to know that that comes after the play/splash/rubberduckywatertoys time... so that's not good.  so since she's wised up she now screams all through bath time instead of just at the end.  this has got to be remedied.  she is the problem with having an insanely easy newborn.  things can only get harder.  and they have.  every day is more difficult than the last.  yikes.

my honey went to a hockey game tonight.  he sure knows how to live it up while i'm gone and it kinda makes me a little bit sad.  i need him to mourn and mope my absence.

and sadly, although i took some cute ones, there are no pictures because i'm on my grandparents computer.


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