Friday, December 23, 2011

the next batch of photos

from wednesday

someone heard the garbage truck driving down the street... and then we saw this.

i really love the little things.  especially simple acts of happiness and service.  the man driving the garbage truck saw the kids in the window and honked his horn at them.  and then the two men riding on back waved as they drove away.  it was like beauty queens waving on a parade float.  it was adorable.  but mostly because these kids loved it.  seriously, it made my day.

copy cat
later wednesday

baby and i picked up emmy from the airport on our way to the farm to get my grandparents.  we stopped at zaxby's.  always seems like a great idea at first.  and then i eat half of my food and want to puke.  anyways, baby wandered around shoeless and bow-less.  i'm getting lax.

even later wednesday... night time.

self timer always gets a great smile from baby.  and confuses papa a little.

they are so precious.

these are two adoring grandparents

thursday morning-ish

playing in the yard
thursday night

her pj's say, "santa thinks i'm nice"

i couldn't even see through the viewfinder when i took this shot.  lucky for us though it turned out perfectly.
(with big booty belen)

lynell (lyndel) and weed (lisa)
don't make fun of weed's face.  she had surgery and one of her nerves was damaged so she actually doesn't have feeling in part of her face.
just kidding.  she's just trying to look weird.  really she looks like this.

i know i know.  she regularly has people stop her on the street to tell her how gorgeous she is.  and i grew up with that.

we somehow got in a strange position and then it led to laughing and weed unknowingly spilling her cup of water down my back while i whined something to the effect of "ahhhhh i'm weeeettttt!" as weed laughed and pretended to kick me with her pointy shoes while still unknowingly spilling more and more water down my back.

yup, go ahead and dab that up.

i have friends!  diana, weed, belen, lynell
we made homemade milky way ice cream.  you haven't lived until you've eaten this.

my favorite thing about this shot was that my mom took it and it is 100% candid.  even how belen is clutching her heart.

let's take special note about how belen looks like a polynesian child in this one


attempting to take a group photo.  don't put the two tallest people in the middle

now if only i had that mass of awkward fireplace pictures we took on diana's camera.  because pictures taken at that hour of the morning are always fabulous.

and they didn't go home til almost 3am.  it was fabulous.


For the Love of French said...

So jealous....wish I could have been there.

Sara said...

Aw. You may be jealous that I reference other Carries on my blog, but I'm jealous that we're friends with all the same people, except you are the one who parties with all of them. :/