Wednesday, May 23, 2012

an awkward kiss

this morning while i was getting ready, baby girl admired herself in the mirror and then diapered her baby 100% by herself.  i took a picture of it because this is the best job she's ever done completely on her own.  i clapped and cheered and made a big deal about it.  she seemed to know she'd done an awesome job too.

the legs aren't poking through but look how nice and even that is!

and then she ripped it off and we were out of there!

as she said over and over, "i go bye bye."

then baby girl put the baby doll in this empty laundry basket and said "it's baby's nap."  so i told her "ohhh, then you better give her a kiss goodnight.  and then ensued the most awkward kiss i have ever seen.  i soooo wish i'd been using my point and shoot so i could have gotten a quick video.


but even after all of that, she wasn't ever able to get close enough for a kiss.  so she stepped back and reassessed the situation.

new game plan: get inside of the basket and pull the baby up to you for a kiss.

yes, that did the trick.  my baby has been kissed.
night night baby.
and then we were off to the park.

1 comment:

Sara said...

Hahaha! That's adorable! :)