Tuesday, August 21, 2012

pregnant by association

until a few months ago, this little girl ate oatmeal for breakfast almost every single day.


not anymore!  if i take the tray off of her high chair, she climbs right in on her own and then makes her cheerful morning request* and watches happily while i play the part of a short order cook.  it's like our very own waffle house.

*in case you can't really understand what she's saying... it's "i want yummy cheese eggs!" on repeat.


ok said...


I am dying over her. Her outfit melts me (do they make that in grown up sizes??) and could she possibly be any cuter?!?!

ok said...

Also, I went back and watched "Abigail bonk... I wanna watch Abigail" again. She is the cutest thing EVER.