Tuesday, August 13, 2013

The family bed

Today was beyond excellent. It started at 7:30 when I woke up to the distant sound of baby girl crying hysterically in er crib. Like crying and screaming so hard she couldn't breathe. She was so out of breathe she couldn't talk so I had no clue what the problem was (never figured it out actually) but I took her downstairs to my bed with me and we cuddled and fell asleep for a few hours til Brady woke up. This has never ever happened before. Even though I've fantasized about slumber parties with my baby girl, it's never happened because there's never been that opportunity. This was amazing. Like I really can't get over it. A little after ten I woke up from hearing Brady on the monitor... Just talking to himself. So awesome because he normally wakes up crying. I took that time to take a few pictures over my shoulder of the littlest spooning buddy I've ever had. 

And then she woke up to Brady's babbling too. "Mommy, Brady woke up. We need to go get him."  If there was ever a perfect morning, this was it. 

Brady slept for over 8.5 hours!  Way to go Brady boy! 

Baby girl was taking forever in the bathroom. When I went to check on her I laughed out loud. Public restrooms much? 

This little guy just dozed off next to me while I was skyping weed. We actually woke him up later laughing at how cute he was with his hands on his chest. For a non cosleeping family, it's kinda crazy that, at one time or another, all four of us slept in this bed today. And it was Abigail's first time ever. And maybe Brady's third?  Fun coincidence. 

After a super fun improv night with the young women(my face literally hurt from laughing so hard... Like when your cheeks are sore from smiling for too many pictures), I met up with friends at gotcha. So fun. When I got home, both kids were fast asleep and my honey and America's got talent awaited me in bed. 

Start to finish awesome. I love my life. 

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