Friday, August 9, 2013

the bad day that wasn't

by all accounts, my day should have been terrible.  

i still have that stupid headache migraine from yesterday and it throbs like crazy when brady cries.  
my stomach has felt super nauseous all day like the beginning (or ending) stages of a stomach bug.  not sure if it's from the migraine or what but it five thousand percent sucks.
and because my body didn't feel crappy enough, we had to throw a clogged duct in the mix.  heavenly father threw me a tender mercy in that after i put brady to sleep in his crib at 11pm, he slept all the way until 5am!  and then he slept again until 8:15!  that is great except that my body is used to nursing all night.  sooo, now i have a clogged duct.  a true testament to how extremely rare it is for brady to only nurse once in a 12 hour period.  anyways, it hurts. 
like yesterday, brady refused to take a morning nap and was awake for HOURS fighting sleep and screaming in his crib before i finally gave up and rocked him to sleep in his carseat (just like the good old days... this is fifteen steps in the wrong direction).
i've had zero energy and motivation for laundry, dishes, food prep, etc.  normally, it's hard to get started but once i get going then i'm on a roll.  all day i tried to unload the dishwasher but i'd put away a stack of plates and then not be able to do anymore.  it's probably about two thirds emptied.  also with laundry.  a struggle.  sweeping, i got the kitchen half swept but then couldn't get myself to finish the job with the dustpan.  elevation changes aggravate my head even worse.  heavens, it was a struggle.
i let abigail watch a lot of tv.  probably at least two hours.  
it was gloomy and rainy all day.  i typically love a nice overcast day but today it just made my body ache worse.
and my honey is out of town.  

i came back to a very quiet playroom after another epic battle to get brady to nap.  
bless her heart i don't think she was even aware i'd walked into the room.  she was so incredibly patient all day today with how much i neglected her to take care of brady.  is this not the saddest, sweetest picture ever?!  i think i'm in love with it.  she is an old soul.  so understanding.
this is chris's kid for sure.  he loooooves peas!  i should have given him peas yesterday.  maybe that would have improved our situation.  he was practically giddy.
glad to hear it.
baseball jammies!  have no fear, his legs aren't mangled... they're just too short to reach all the way to the pj feet.

so looking at that downer of a list... i think everything that made my day rough can be directly traced back to physically feeling so terrible.  the migraine, nauseous stomach, and painful clogged duct... that affected every other part of my day.  because taking that away, my day was great.

we all got to eat breakfast together (well, brady played in his jumper while abigail and i ate)
it was nice and cool so we could keep the windows open all day... no ac necessary!
brady's naps were both 1h45 which isn't full length but only 30ish minutes shorter than usual
brady was in a good enough mood tonight that i didn't even try to have him take his late afternoon nap and he was awake for four hours with minimal fussing!  and abigail and i had fun feeding him peas and puffs.
abigail and i are loving our latest stash of library books and i can't get enough of her saying "lets read LOTS of books!  let's read ALLLLL the books!"
brady went down for his second nap and down for the night in his crib with little to no fussing.
the cool weather allowed brady to wear sleepers!  i normally just put him in a onesie because i love looking at his little legs, but i'd forgotten how cute he looks in sleepers!
abigail kept making me laugh out loud today.  and she helped me put away laundry, unloaded the dishwasher, and took her dirty dishes to the sink after meals.
she was also an awesome eater so instead of having to hound her about finishing her food, i just had to make sure i was replenishing her bowl fast enough.  eggs, toast, two peaches, a whole red pepper, half an avocado, and chicken taquito.  and she just kept telling me she was still hungry.  she probably ate as much as i did today.  also, there are few things cuter than when she asks me for more "quito" and tells me she wants sauce (ranch dressing) with her red pepper instead of thomas (hummus).*
i can tell brady's mood is improving.  i'm excited to see what tomorrow brings.
after i got the kids to bed, i cleaned up most of the toys that were still out, got the remaining dishes to the sink, and folded and put away the remaining laundry.  so i'll feel happy about all of that tomorrow morning.

*i laughed out loud (while simultaneously feeling guilty) today when abigail made a comment about my shirt.  i thought she said "wet" but she said "red" and it made me realize that yesterday, when i got annoyed and upset with her for insisting my shirt was wet, she was actually correct in pointing out that it was red.  to say i was in an irritable mood yesterday morning is a wild understatement.  thank goodness abigail is so forgiving.  i genuinely feel bad for my exasperated, "IT'S NOT WET! STOP SAYING IT'S WET!" comments yesterday morning.  i should have known better.  it's just like the white and brown clouds/cows.

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