Wednesday, August 7, 2013

it wasn't all terrible

today was really really rough.  like by 11am i was shoving fistfuls of chocolate chips in my face as fast as i could.  i'm not trying to be dramatic.  just accurate.  y'know... keepin' it real.

anyways, pictures.

last time elle came over the girls begged to ride in this together but we couldn't because of brady.  so today while he took one of his mini naps, i took the girls for a spin.
they thought it was awesome.  also, they love having their picture taken together.
the playroom has hardwood floors and i needed somewhere to put brady that he would be happy enough to quit the constant crying (turns out, that "someplace" didn't exist) while i helped the girls build train tracks.  he wasn't amused.
obviously.  in my lap and on a blanket also were not winners.  actually, he just seemed not to like the playroom today.  or life in general.
watching my sweet girl play trains with her bff?  that was a bright spot in my day.  apparently it was also a bright spot on her head.
a minute of peace and quiet.  looks like he's "sofa'd" as my honey would say.
what a punk.  who taught him to sprawl out like that?
quit toying with my emotions.  we know you're a bipolar little devil.
yesterday was my first time ever buying fresh corn.  typically the price and idea of shucking corn and cleaning all of the silk out is enough to deter me.  well, they were on sale for 20 cents each and i found this awesome method of roasting corn!  no pot, no wasting time and energy boiling a ton of water, no prep whatsoever.  this is the only way to do corn on the cob.  we had a game night* at young womens last night.  mark my words... NEVER HAVE I EVER boiled corn on the cob and NEVER WILL I EVER either.  
 tonight brady woke up crying less than an hour after i put him to bed.  i tried to nurse him and put him back to sleep but he wasn't having it and he was angry about the lack of milk (umm you just cleaned me out less than an hour ago!) so i had to let him cry while i went to brush my teeth.  when i came back upstairs i saw he'd rolled over to his belly.  i picked him up and took him to the glider where he immediately fell asleep in my arms.  it was the most i've loved him all day long.  i don't often get the chance to hold a sleeping baby so it's always pretty special.  this time i was just extremely grateful too.  and while i held him i was texting my long lost friend carolyn, which made my night.  

so, good things that happened today:
i showered and bathed both of my kids.
baby girl had an awesome playdate with elle.
sometime this evening there were brief moments that brady smiled and laughed.
roasted corn... easiest food i've ever ever made.  and so delicious too.
keeping our windows open all day to enjoy the somewhat overcast crisp 70* weather today.
abigail being a total crack up tonight.  also, listening to her say "creme brulee" aka "creme delay."**

* i used to think i was really good at this game (maybe playing with non-mormon people helped?) until i played last night.  i was at negative 12 (or 14... i lost track/can't remember) by the time the last person won.  what the heck?!
** i'll post a video eventually.  she's got a number of things right now that she pronounces great.
*** also, this is totally random but i laugh out loud every time someone asks me about or gives abigail a compliment on her haircut/bangs/layers.  really, it's just a self-induced mullet.  but thanks anyways, i think she's pretty cute too.

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