Tuesday, August 20, 2013


monday was a good day.  sleeping in, story time at the library, johnny carinos with my mil and sil, books with abigail, fun food for brady, and glorious bedtime for us all.  abigail is in a whiny demanding annoying sort of phase right now (probably still not as bad as what she went through end of may/beginning of june though) and life is much better for us when we're not at home.  also, it is increasingly important now to record the good memories.  because i'm losing my patience every four seconds around here.

stretching and yawning in the shake your sillies out song.
watching the kids dance.  can you tell how sleepy he is?
i found this book about a dollhouse fairy.  my favorite part is that this girl and her dad play dollhouse together and it's their special thing that they do every saturday morning.
brady has mastered picking up puffs.  slimy peaches are another story.  i feel like i'm pranking him and he probably thinks he's being punk'd.  he did a pretty good job though.  still, he's better at carrots and pears.
he falls asleep great without a swaddle.  but then he wakes up and is angry about life.  sooo, for the most part, he gets the one arm swaddle and it's working great.

anyone have any "be patient with your three year old" words of encouragement for me?

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