Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Simple and Amazing

This morning I woke up (after 8... Hallelujah!) to a text from my honey about passport info. Then I spent 45 minutes on the phone with his mom. And now we all have tickets for Costa Rica for the Christmas trip... Who's pumped?  Also, who loves that this is Abigail's passport photo. I think she was like two months old maybe?  I don't know. I'd have to check the blog archives. It expires next year though and then she'll get one looking like a real kid.

We went to the pool this morning with friends. And we even got there by 10:15!  Normally Brady doesn't even get his swimsuit wet, but this time, he was actually getting in the water!  He even looked like he was enjoying himself sometimes!  Initially, when I put him in my friends' kid floaty thing, he clutched the wall.

But eventually he lightened up. I mean, he went in that on multiple separate occasions and even once in the big pool. And he walked around the baby pool with me holding my hand. And he spent almost no time in my lap. I can't express enough how night and day this is from his typical pool behavior!

And it wore him out so he went straight down for nap when we got home and it only took him five minutes to fall asleep which is awesome compared with the nightmare I've been having with his sleeping lately.

Also, when he's hungry, I tell him to go get in his chair, which I know full well he can't do. He normally just runs and stands by it. Today, he climbed in and pulled his tray over him. I wouldn't have believed it had I not watched it all with my very eyes.

After the pool, Abigail watched some Thomas, took some quiet time to unwind, reading books in her room, and then got dressed and played at Lucy's house. Meanwhile, Brady napped for exactly two hours and I was able to shower and then do some cleaning and organizing. We grabbed some pineapple for snack and then headed to the library since Chris is out of town and it gives us something quick and fun for our evenings. Coming home, the kids ate dinner great with virtually no fussing... Corn, peaches, and avocado. It's so much easier to feed them when the produce is delicious. They just gobble it up. Abigail gets so distracted and doesn't eat... Just talks. Something lately that's been working for us is that I let her ask a question and then I tell her I'll answer after she takes a certain number of bites. Tonight I explained to her all about how grow food lives to be eaten so it can all have a play date party in her belly. For some reason this really resonated with her. Anyways, I'm sure those peaches and avocado and corn are having a blast in her belly right now. Other notable questions include "how do fish swim?" And "how do fish move?" And "tell me about cereal."  I'm loving this new game. 

I had Abigail listen to the cd of the frozen book so she could follow along and read while I took Brady to bed. It kind of worked. She kept missing the page turning cues. ; )  Brady took less than 30 minutes to fall asleep but wasn't as particular. I think he's making progress. And then Abigail and I read a number of books before bed and it 100% hit the spot for me. I would have gone forever except that we were both yawning like crazy. 

So even though my honey is out of town, and I'm sleep deprived from Brady, and I woke up with a sore throat and congestion and sneezing... all in all, it was an ordinary but extraordinary day for us. I loved it to pieces. 

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