Monday, July 7, 2014

Sunday at the beach

Of course Brady woke up toy alarm and Abigail kept snoozing. But we allotted enough time to get ready and actually made it to church on time and without any stress or hurrying. Woohoo!

I stayed in nursery the whole time because I knew Brady would scream if I tried to leave. It was fun. The bishop's wife and I are now BFF. After church, Brady and I ran to the bathroom. Bad move because my phone was still on silent and we missed the big family photo. Whoops. 

The youngest generation. There are 30 total from this generation attending the beach this year. 

Our family. 

Hanging out. 

Brady and I took a nap together after church and missed lunch. So we just grabbed a small lunch to hold us over because... Cafe rio pork salad for lunch! It was delish. 

We forgot to take a family of four picture when it was daylight so Chris and I grabbed the kids. 

And we took these crappy photos instead. 

It's the thought that counts, right?! Because as far as pictures lately, I've been majorly dropping the ball. 

Anyways, tonight was so fun. The weather today was perfectly overcast so we all hung out on the deck and talked til after the sun went down. Chris and I got the kids to bed and then I went back to the big beach house (that initially autocorrected to "crack house" so I'm glad I caught that) and played mafia for a few hours. I love the sand and sun, but hanging out and playing games is my very favorite. Good thing it's only the beginning! 

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