Monday, August 22, 2016

Saturday, Sunday

I love when the kids offer to take pictures of me with the other kids. I need to make more of an effort to keep encouraging this behavior. 

I love that Brady is naturally so very affectionate and cuddly. 

This one is super cuddly too. I semi trained her to be that way and it's wonderful. 

Brady initially chopped off Abigail's head. 

With my two daughters. 

And then they want me to return the favor and take a picture of them. 

Saturday, I totally spaced that Chris had a ham radio training thing at church so he was actually gone from 7:45am until that time pm. I was kind of annoyed that he spent 12 hours on it, especially when I learned that he only missed one question (you could miss up to nine) and even passed the test for the next level up. A little frustrated, I was all "ugh, you should have just shown up at 3 for a few hours of class and to take the test and I'm sure you would have passed just fine." I mean, I had all kids awake by 7:20 and by 8:20, I had already lost it on Abigail and Brady and sent them to their rooms. We struggled a bit. ; )  The kids played with the neighbor kids until 3:30 or so running back and forth between houses and yards. It was great weather and great playtime but I was spending the whole day on laundry and cleaning and crap and felt like I barely accomplished anything. It was busy. When honey got home close to 8, we were in the back yard and I was doing yard work while Abigail and Brady played soccer. We hung out out there til dark. It ended up being a good day, but ugh, so busy. 

Sunday was good. We were only a minute late for church and the speakers were all amazing. Two youth speakers and two adults. So so so good. I loved it so much. 

This happened spontaneously. 

Brady was behaving poorly after church while we were eating lunch so I sent him to my room. And he fell asleep. When he's acting out, 90% of the time it's just because he's too tired. For some reason, instead of cuddling in my bed, he fell asleep in this bucket. Filled with toys and blankets and topped with his pillow and a blanket. It's like those staged newborn photos. 

Abigail played with her plays ouch that she got from church. She has a new Primary teacher and she is the best ever. 

We've been getting one of these each week. It's amazing. 

When Brady and Elizabeth and I were at the library Friday, a librarian walked up to us with a bag of cheap little ducks and offered some to Brady. She gave him four and offered some to Elizabeth but I told her our family could just share the four. Somehow, they instantly became Abigail and Brady's favorite toys and they've lived playing with them in the bathroom sink. They asked to bring them to church and were thrilled when I said they could each choose one. Abigail chose purple and Brady chose red. After sacrament meeting I made them give them to me. "I'll put them in my purse and keep them safe so they're not a distraction and you won't lose them in primary. Well, my purse zipper recently broke and Elizabeth took them out at some point during third hour and I forgot to get them back. I took Chris's keys and went back to the church that night to find them and couldn't. I feel like such a horrible mom. Maybe I should let my kids hang on to their own toys for safe keeping. So, now we just have these two. I wouldn't feel so bad except that both of my kids have been so quietly sad and forgiving about it. If they threw a fit I wouldn't feel so bad, but dang it, they're being so nice. 

While Brady napped atop a bin, Elizabeth napped in her crib and I napped in my bed. Chris was gone, of course, and Abigail played with ducks and play dough and did who knows what. But I got a two hour nap and Abigail and Brady both cleaned up in the kitchen before I got out of bed so it was all good. And I let them watch a New Testament cartoon later before dinner. The whole day was just exceeding my Sunday expectations and it was amazing. Can't they all just be like that?! 

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