Tuesday, January 24, 2017

it's a good day!

i am so grateful and so excited about this that i can't help but write it down.  well, just kidding, i could... but i do feel like i need to do this because of my level of gratitude.

last night, i went to bed at 9.  every other member in my family was fast asleep and i could barely keep my eyes open, so it just seemed right.  i woke up several times during the night, but fell back asleep easily... and since brady stayed in his bed all night (best oreo i ever spent), i got somewhat quality sleep.  i was overjoyed when i woke up at 7am and felt more like myself than what i have in a long time.  this was great because within minutes, i heard all three of my kids wide awake.  elizabeth fell asleep again after a bit, but brady and abigail came down to me.  brady came down because he wanted his treat for staying in bed and abigail came down completely dressed by 7:15 because she was so excited about getting the last circle that she needed on her chart for her to move up a level. so i gave her an oreo too for being so on top of things and then once brady was dressed, i turned on charlotte's web for them.  perfect because i'd just checked our library account and saw that it was four days overdue and couldn't be renewed because someone had it on hold... and of course i was the one that was bummed about returning it without the kids seeing it first.  so this was a win all around.  we had the perfect amount of time.  elizabeth fell back asleep, i got back in bed, and the kids watched the movie.  they ate pears and oatmeal for breakfast while the show finished up and then we got abigail all bundled up for school.  we left at our usual time but it just felt so much more relaxed and fun.  such an out of the ordinary start to a school day.  or any day for that matter.

getting back, brady finished eating breakfast and then we both got in my hot bed.  i made and account and then right at 10, registered abigail for spring volleyball at the rec center.  i always think about signing the kids up for stuff at the rec center but never pull the trigger on it.  and you have to sign up within the first ten minutes because everything fills up really fast.  but anyway, yesterday i was visiting teaching mandi and she said she was coaching the 6-8 year old team and would love to have abigail so i thought that would be great, especially since there would be several other little girls from church on the team.  i got that all squared away but then brady fell asleep next to me and i got distracted texting and on the internet until 10:35 when i freaked out because i wasn't dressed and brady was asleep and i hadn't even woken elizabeth up for the day yet and we actually all needed to be in the car in ten minutes to drive to castle rock for elizabeth's audiology appointment.  well, have no fear, by some miracle, we managed and pulled in at 10:59.  i mean, i didn't have makeup on (when do i ever?) and elizabeth had only eaten a few bites of leftover oatmeal that i fed her straight from the fridge, but honestly, it was great.  the appointment was super quick and they even tested brady's ears too just because.  both kids passed just fine and we walked out by 11:15.  since we had charlotte's web to return, we went to the castle rock library and were just in time for story time.  so much less busy than the parker library.  i mean, we didn't even have any trouble parking... tons of open spaces.  i wasn't paying attention to the clock and we didn't get home til 1 and then i was getting lunch for the kids and brady was driving me nuts and hallelujah when i got elizabeth down for a nap and put a show on for brady.  i get overwhelmed easily these days.  it was nice to have a little peace while i put dinner in the crock pot.  i'm trying this pork loin roast and veggies for the first time... hopefully it's okay.  mostly i just wanted some crock pot veggies and this was the cut of meat i had in the freezer that made the most sense.  i would trade it in a heartbeat for it to be a regular roast, but that pretty much explains why i don't have any more regular roasts in my freezer anymore.

anyway, dinner got put in the crock pot and brady's show ended so we made banana muffins together.  it was perfect because he'd asked if we could make banana muffins and we happened to have a ton of spotted bananas (that's what happens when you put in a walmart grocery order for 7lbs of bananas but then before you ever pick it up, your husband goes by costco and comes home with 6lbs of bananas.  we go through a lot of bananas, but 13lbs is a little much for our family of five even.  so, this was a great way to use a bunch that we still had... and banana muffins actually sounded appealing to me.  we played his number puzzle flash card things while we waited for them to bake and then picked abigail up and had fresh muffins for our after school snack.

abigail and brady drove me crazy from the second we walked in the door... still are actually... but we're doing okay... and we didn't follow through with my plans to all cuddle in my hot bed and read library books.  but the kids ate their muffins (elizabeth too since she woke up soon after we got home), abigail did her homework, emma came over to play for a bit, i started this post, and honey got home around 5:30.  so many successes for one day that it's hard for me to even believe.  i mean, let's back up a few days to sunday when i also was awake soon after 7, but somehow at 10:30, chris came home from his meetings to dress and feed brady and take them to church with him while i stayed home with elizabeth because i was still in my bathroom and honestly, just couldn't really function or stop crying.  so that was me, missing church for the second sunday in a row.  i actually never even put on clothes that day... just stayed in my bathrobe until it was time to get in bed for the night.  i've had my fair share of low moments and low days lately, but yesterday, visiting teaching with my friends, i was feeling a little better.  and, as i said, this morning, i woke up and just didn't feel the horrible fog around me like i have been.  maybe it's lifting! maybe my medicine is starting to work since it's been two weeks! or maybe it's just a random good day like some of those random good days i'd have where my morning sickness, for no apparent reason, would be significantly less.  regardless, i am so grateful.  it has been a wonderful relief to have this day.  this day where i got dressed, spent very little time in bed, and didn't cry AT ALL.  my headache and nausea have hit for the night, but i'm crossing my fingers that i can keep my happiness and patience and finish out the day strong... just a few more hours!

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