Thursday, February 16, 2017

Mom and dad are here!!!

Oh hallelujah, mom and dad are here!!!

This morning began like many others... I had a headache because brady slept in bed with me (what makes me get a headache from that?! I couldn't even kick him out during the night because he throws a fit about it and it wakes chris up and chris had to be up at 4am anyway to catch his 6:00 flight) and within two minutes of him joining Abigail to play, she had blown up at him and beat him up which sent him crying back to me. I had to send abigail to her room and emotionally prepare myself for the hour ahead of getting her off to school. More awfulness ensued and she was five minutes late for school again. I think it was right around 9 that all three kids and I were able to shed some tears within minutes of each other and I wondered again why I had thought motherhood would be a good idea. 

Getting home, I was emotionally worn out but eventually got to cleaning (although not soon enough because so much was left undone) and was planning to leave at 11:40 to pick mom and dad up from the airport with their 12:00 landing. Mom texted at 11:30 that they'd landed (apparently five minutes before). I was so worried the whole way there that they'd have been waiting for eternity but their bags took a while and they actually walked out just a minute before I pulled up. Whew! And of course the minute I saw them, my life was a million times better, especially since I spent the whole morning trying to avoid crawling in bed and crying myself to sleep. 

We went to sprouts and culver's on the way home and the food was amazing and the weather was so perfect that we are outside and dad kept taking the kids across to the little field to run and play. 

When we got home, we just kept playing outside until it was time to get Abigail from school. Dad came with me. Mom read books to the kids after school... I made eggs for dinner. We all ate and then went to Abigail's school at 5:45 for her first grade performance. They sang four songs. It was cute and entertaining. The kids are a bit more when we got home while they hung out with mom and dad and I vacuumed. And then dad read them books and helped brush their teeth while I finished vacuuming. And then they all went to bed. Elizabeth did shockingly well considering she didn't nap at all the entire day. You'd never know... She was so good. I was very surprised. 

And then mom and dad and I hung out for a bit eating cranberry walnut oatmeal cookies from sprouts and talking about how to fill in the cracks on my kitchen table. And I did dishes and got into bed. 

Man! Talk about a 180 on my day. Words can't even begin to express how glad I am to have mom and dad here with me this weekend.  

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