Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Kneaders, school, nuggets

I'm so love hate with busy days. I virtually never look forward to them (at least not like I look forward to a totally empty day), but by the end, they're almost always just really great days and they leave me feeling so emotionally energized even if I'm worn out. 

I try to fill my calendar with only things that are truly necessary or things that I really enjoy... Which makes it easy to have a relatively empty calendar. Yesterday though, everything ended up being on the same day, but luckily it all puzzled together just perfectly and I appreciated how the stars aligned for me. 

I started the morning with a shower and doing typical morning things and even tackling some dishes and vacuuming. Honey was around and got Abigail to school on time by 9:10 and I was glad to be on time for Elizabeth's speech therapy appointment. I normally try to sneak away and do a few things around the house while I just listen in, but Elizabeth is still so clingy from teething that she sat in my lap almost the entire time and I never got away. I tried to enjoy it and not focus on all the stuff that I needed to be doing right then. 

When Stacey left, I hurried to get the roast and carrots in the crock pot and was texting to coordinate timing with aunt Merrilee. Ultimately, I decided there wasn't enough time to add potatoes and I'm proud of my decision to leave something undone instead of making myself late for the lunch date. 

We got to kneaders at 11:30 and I loved getting to see aunt Merrilee and uncle dick and the theiss's. I got the turkey artichoke panini on focaccia and aunt Merrilee and I shared a chocolate dome and warmed up raspberry bread pudding. It was all heavenly. Brady was such a snuggler with aunt Merrilee but such a stinker when he wouldn't get in our picture at the end (auto correct just made those smuggler and drinker...ha) and I was sad that I had to leave early. I went straight to Sarah's to drop the kids off and then raced to the school to help with aight words in Abigail's class. I was supposed to be there at 12:45 but was only a few minutes late thank goodness. I love helping in Abigail's class and especially doing the sight words. It's a lot of fun. 

I picked the kid's up from Sarah's around two Andreas fun chatting a bit. We went home and, after a banana, I had Elizabeth down for nap by 3. Chris came home early because he was feeling a bit under the weather and knew he should rest before taking Brady to the nuggets game. By 4, Elizabeth was still napping, brady has fallen asleep watching his learning show, and Chris and I were both asleep in bed. Sarah had offered to have Abigail walk home with one of her kids after school and I said yes, but holy cow, I didn't anticipate how perfect that would end up being!  Honey woke me up at 5:10 and woke Brady up at 5:20. By 5:30, they were leaving for the nuggets game and Sarah was just dropping off abigail, Alice, and Norah.  The day was a well oiled machine! 

The girls and Elizabeth all played upstairs so well together and cleaned up without a problem. I fed them all a snack and then had Abigail read them books while I folded laundry.

 Got the three girls in bed, then Elizabeth in bed, and then stay with the girls til they fell asleep. 

I read on my phone for a while until Chris and Sarah both texted that they were on their way. I picked up a little and then hung out with Chris and Brady for ten or fifteen minutes until Sarah and Andrew showed up. 

I love how Sarah always acts like I'm doing her such a huge favor but really, I feel like I'm benefitting the most. It was amazing to have an entire afternoon/night where Abigail never yelled at me or told me I'm the meanest mom ever. It was really good for us.

So, I didn't get to sleep til probably midnight, but it was such a wonderful day. Now, I've got a full day of nothing planned and I just need to make sure I stay motivated enough to make it an amazing day too! 

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