Sunday, November 7, 2010

baby simba

cue the music

anyone else have the circle of life stuck in their head right now?  i know it's not just me.

ps- this is when you know it's time to throw out your special avs pumpkin.
it leaked nasty pumpkin juice all over the table and onto the chairs and then down on the floor.  i made my sweet honey clean it up.  he puts up with a lot.  poor poor honey.

pps- i'm almost done with a post i'm writing about my very favorite baby products!  wohoo!  that only took me three months to write...


Jeff said...

We had pumpkin juice ooze by our front door. Skye and a friend kicked in one of our pumpkins. Neither made it until Halloween this year because it was warm and rainy the week before. Warmer than usual. The leaky juice smelled NASTY. Our poor mother cleaned ours up. She is wonderful!

Unknown said...

hahahaha, that pumpkin is so disgusting! i hope the mold didn't spread to other things in your kitchen, too.

Catherine O. said...

Carrie, I am sorry, but that pumpkin is the grossest thing I have seen in a long time! So, exactly how many pumpkins did you guys carve this halloween? It seemed like a lot :)