Saturday, November 20, 2010

my head hurts

honey set up our christmas village on saturday.  i am absolutely loving it.

i've had a headache all day today and i really don't feel like writing anything.  but it reminds me of what my dad said one time that every day he tries to do at least one thing that he doesn't want to do.  i think it's good for you.

i made bacon egg and cheese biscuits for dinner tonight and they were superb.  honey told me thanks but that he would like to eat his bacon, cheese eggs, and biscuits separately.  he spared my feelings but honestly it just reiterates why i don't cook for him.

tomorrow is my birthday.  i'm turning 25.  if i was on the east coast it would already be my birthday.  maybe i'm actually already 25 since i was born on the east coast.  y'know what?  doesn't even matter.

i started a load of laundry this afternoon only to open up the cabinet and find that the laundry detergent i bought is actually fabric softener.  it was labeled in 4 point font i swear.  so thank goodness for my amazing mother.  when she came in town before, she brought a few of those laundry detergent sheets.  well, they've been sitting in my cabinet ever since and today they are the reason i have a load of clean whites.  ask me if ever in my life i have used fabric softener.  i have not.  never.  not even once.  i don't believe in fabric softener and i don't believe in dryer sheets.  i will need to return this to walmart and buy some detergent.  i have zero use for 105 loads worth of fabric softener.  it smells weird anyways.

did i mention my head hurts?  i've had a headache all day and i'm so sick of it.  and i can't get full no matter how much i stuff my face.  the mango i bought didn't taste good.  and i finished an entire bag of candy corn by myself and was sad when i threw out the bag and realized i have no more candy corn or mellowcreme pumpkins.  it's a very sad day.

i have such anxiety about our trip tomorrow.  i'm not afraid of planes and i'm insanely excited for this trip, but for some reason i always get anxious before trips.  and apparently traveling with a baby heightens that for me.  great.

i hate packing.  like i really really despise it.  when i went to georgia last month, i was nervous i would forget stuff... especially nervous because i was flying with my kid for the first time... alone.  so i started packing a day or two in advance instead of the usual 15 minutes.  well, let me give you a list of the things i forgot.  phone charger, G's... tops and bottoms, extra bra, nursing pads, a slip, a jacket, and a few other things i can't even remember right now.  i also only packed two pairs of shoes... neither appropriate for walking around a farm... which is where we spent the entire weekend.  the trip was 72 hours and i did a lot of laundry.  and borrowing.

my head hurts and i'm hungry.  i'm in the mood for some painkillers and someone else's cooking.  

my kid cries so much more these days.  every day i can count on her crying for at least 10 or 15 minutes.  she cried twice... one minute each time... during the first four weeks of her life.  i'm not gonna do the math but that's a steep increase.  

i need new clothes.  i'm wearing the same clothes i've worn since i was a teenager.  maybe if i was more stylish people would want to be my friend?  people around here are too trendy.  it's intimidating.

i'm getting my hair cut on monday.  or tuesday.  it's so long i think i might die.  i want to pull it out but then again i have baby girl for that.  fifty million times a day.  with her sweaty slobbery perma-grip.  

i'm doing such a terrible job at keeping up with baby's milestones.  baby recently found her feet.  we're not in the feet in mouth stage but we are in the feet in hands and hands in mouth stage.  she doesn't suck on her fingers really, she just licks them and chews on them and lets them hang out with her tongue.  all. the. time.  monday afternoon baby started occasionally sucking on her bottom lip.  she does it when she's going to sleep mostly but sometimes before she eats.  i really hope she's not teething.  google didn't have much to say on the subject but what it did say kind of related to teething.  and i did not like that.

i painted my toes yesterday and i've already had to touch them up three times.  what is it about my attention span that doesn't let me remember my polish is still wet?  don't answer that.  is toenail polish spelled the same way as polish people from poland?  i've never noticed that before.  

oh yeah, biggest milestone from this week.  baby started playing with the toys on her jumper instead of just jumping.  she mostly just grabs them but she is really intent on it.  huge developmental breakthrough.  do i sound like i took a few too many child psych classes?  oh, and she started watching me eat.  but i will NOT be starting her on solids before she turns six months.  i am NOT looking forward to anything other than nursing.  i am in love with nursing my baby.  IN. LOVE.

i think i sleep better when i write these posts.  i can empty my head out and not have such crazy dreams.  i totally thought the crazy dreams would go away when i was no longer pregnant.  but sadly, like my pregnancy new found love of sweets, the dreams have stuck.  favorite bizarre dream of this week.  baby went from babbling how she does now to speaking full sentences.  full sentences that involve reason and logic.  yesterday i was talking to baby and when i asked her a question, i actually waited for her to answer.  i seriously feel like she understands everything i'm saying.  but maybe i just need to get out more.

baby's number one sign that she's done eating is that she looks me in the eye and talks my head off.  and the longer i ignore her and try to force feed her, the louder she gets.  it's tons of fun.  i wonder if she thinks i understand everything she's saying too.  i wish i did.

wednesday was my last day of watching henry.  his mom quit her job.  sad day for baby and me but maybe we'll coordinate some play dates or swap babysitting.  baby needs some peers.

okay.  i need to go to bed.  my kid has been waking up during the six o'clock hour lately.  i'm not a fan.

ps- it just turned midnight.  happy birthday to me!  i'm 25!

i love this picture. i think with baby vision this is probably what she sees when she looks out the window. kinda gives me a headache though.  liza, doesn't she have nice ear parts?


For the Love of French said...

I have some clothes from high school too, mainly shirts, but i have some from just after high school. James found an older picture on facebook and then proceeded to ask me if I ever changed my clothes...

Jeff said...

Love the ear parts.

Sara said...

Dear, Carrie --

As I type this, Walter is falling asleep almost in my arms. We are at a cabin together, and Walter just said that "We are friends who are lovers." He's so strange sometimes.

P.S. I hate packing, too. I put it off as long as possible, when I have to do it.

Cherie (and sometimes Senor) said...

Oh my, Carrie! First off, reading your posts helps me feel like we're still roommates having late-night talks and laughing...only now we're moms to little girls and talk about grown up stuff like pregnancy and parenting. I enjoy it. And, wow, Sara's comment just made me laugh even harder. I hope the trip went well and baby girl was kind to you. Oh, and she might be teething...thus the increase in crankiness.

Mary Mitchell said...

Carrie - now that I have officially met you (I feel like that sentence should be "have metten you), I am no longer a blog stalker, right? Now we are BFF and that's all there is to it.

Paige Taylor Evans said...

Happy birthday Carrie! Hope you have a wonderful trip in Georgia! And her ear parts are definitely super cute :)

Unknown said...

"What are you doing!?" "um, did you just say 'doing!'?" "no, I said what are you doooing" "oh, well, it's spelled the same" lol
Oh, and remember when Rikke washed her clothes in fabric softener for like a month or two because she didn't know the difference? hahaha
It sounds like you had a migraine from the not being able to fill your belly, and the headache. Not fun. I hope it got better for your birthday and travel.

Lyndel said...

Happy late Birthday to you!!! I think you are a fantastic Mom... and also your friend Sara is quite hilarious :)