Tuesday, November 2, 2010

little white riding hood meets pepto

a few sunday pictures for you.

my kid is still fitting (with a lot of room to spare) into the millions of 0-3 month dresses she has.  since she was born in mid july they are all cottony and sleeveless.  a sensible mother would buy new sunday outfits for the cold, rainy weather.  i just toss on a sweater and a blanket.  it's a free fix.  the sweater used to be mine.

she has a million expressions.  99% of them are super goofy looking.  normally funny enough that honey and i totally startle her with our laughing outbursts.

not sure what honey did to deserve that expression.  but i still like it.

 oh my goodness this was SOOOO much fun.  honey and i made up this fun game called "blow in baby's face and take a picture of her funny reaction."  you may call it child cruelty but i call it good old fashion fun.  i'm glad she's such a good sport.  when she gets older i'll just tell her we taught her to wink when she was only 3 months old.  she'll love it.

i absolutely LOVE this picture!  tell me the honest truth.  because i know you have to agree with me.  she would be the perfect poster child for gas-x or some other medication to relieve bloating/nausea/diarrhea/constipation/frequent urination.

you know it's true.


Jeff said...

Those pictures are great!! She is so cute! I cannot wait to see her again. Jeff loved blowing Will and Skye's faces. We agree with your entertainment statement.

Diana C. said...

Those are fabulous pictures! You can read a whole story in her expressions. Love it!

Unknown said...

yes i love maps! also whiteboards. i even have a whiteboard calendar. remember how you wrote your to-do list on the mirror? i thought about doing that the other day, but i'm never home to see my mirror, so it wouldn't work too well.
now i'm going to read this post and make a real comment. brb

Unknown said...

hehehe! i love the faces! i love blowing in babies faces to see their expressions, too! i've heard it's also a good way to teach them to swim/be ok with water because they inhale and hold their breath for a couple of seconds when you blow in their face. blow...dunk...happy, wet baby :)