Saturday, January 15, 2011

baby is 6 months old

today baby girl turned 6 months old!  it's been awhile since the last update, so let me tell you a few things about her.

i've attempted these sorts of lists in my head before but it is difficult to know what baby likes and what baby doesn't like because honestly, she's pretty content doing just about anything.  but here is what i know to be true.

she LOVES when you blow in her face.  no matter how tired, sad, hungry, or hurt she is, she will stop the fussing/crying and smile... as long as you keep on blowing.  this works indefinitely.  the longest i've done it though is about ten minutes in a grocery store line.  when we were in cancun she absolutely loved being on the beach because all that wind?  it was like having her own personal faceblower.  all. the. time.

baby girl puts EVERYTHING in her mouth to gnaw on.  besides the usual toys and teethers, she has a long list of favorites.  books, blankets, clothes, paper, her hands, her arms, her feet, her fingers, my fingers, honey's fingers, honey's nose/eyes/face, my shoulders, and most definitely, my hair.  actually, i have yet to see anything that she has purposely NOT put in her mouth.  

she loves her jumper.  she has logged many many hours in that jumper and can jump in there for over an hour straight and still show no signs of wanting to get out.  her favorite part of it is the dragonfly toy and the seat.  because they are the only things she can put in her mouth.  when she really gets going and is jumping like crazy, she'll screech and scream because she just can't contain her excitement.  it's hilarious.  

baby is fascinated by my computer.  add "laptop" to the favorite things to gnaw list above.  just kidding.  i don't really let her gnaw on it.  but she sure tries.

she likes to pay attention to what everyone else is paying attention to.  that means the obvious things like a tv or laptop that's on but also includes whoever is talking (in church or any social gathering) or whatever is taking place around her.  at the music class we go to somehow she knows to look at the leader although everyone is doing the same thing as her.  also, it doesn't really work for me to try to read at all while i'm nursing her because she follows my gaze and wants to look at what i'm looking at.  

she has become a very add eater at times.  wonder where that came from.  over this last month, she's finally gotten fast enough to keep up with the milk flow.  finally.  my guess is that it takes her about 3 or four minutes per side.  she still takes a bottle beautifully (normally around 6 ounces) although that's only two or three times a week.

baby still has no teeth and her rampant teething symptoms seem to have taken a hiatus which is fabulous and mysterious.  but, we ask no questions because we are too busy being grateful to postpone teeth and teething.

baby girl can sit up by herself for short periods of time.  i frequently sit her on the bed and she's fine for less than a minute.  she's slow to understand that lunging forward and for other things around her makes her tip over (which she doesn't mind at all).  maybe she thinks i'm slow to understand that sitting her up leads to her falling over.

baby is still very much immobile.  she can roll over both ways but she doesn't do it a ton because she's just really content however she currently is.  i know some babies roll to get from place to place.  not mine.  she shows absolutely no signs of crawling and zero interest in moving at all.  i could not be more thrilled with this.  she is my perfect pet rock.

baby loves to stand.  aside from the balance part, she's been able to stand and hold her weight from a really really early age.  she enjoys doing squats and it can give you quite the workout.  my arms get tired before her legs almost every single time.  if you hold your fingers stationary she can grab them and pull herself up to a standing position.

when we went to cancun three weeks ago, she experienced swimming for the first time and loved kicking her legs in the water.  she was sad to get out of the pool.  she finally mastered the art of sleeping in my arms.  she has to have her arms pinned down and a pacifier in her mouth but she can do it and it has been incredibly useful like on the beach and at church.  she is also still incredibly easy to travel with.

as far as diapering goes, we are officially out of size ones and in to size twos.  this actually only happened two days ago.  as for her clothes, baby is wearing size 3 and 6 month sleepers.  dresses are newborn.  all other clothes are 0-3 months.

baby is still eating about every four hours.  she eats great when i tell her to eat but she won't come knocking at my door if she doesn't get fed.  even in the morning after not eating for 12+ hours, she's happy playing for a long time without food.  so, i definitely still use the timer to make sure she doesn't go too long without eating.

baby girl is still doing three naps a day (wake time is about 2 hours, sometimes a little less), taking a pacifier when we give it to her, double swaddled every time she goes to sleep, and making us work for her laughs.  she is happy 24/7 unless she's hurt (really only happens when she head bangs into my collar bone or gets a face full of scruff when christopher kisses her too aggressively) or really really tired.

to celebrate the day today we all slept in til 9.  baby spent some time in her jumper and hanging out with christopher before taking a nap.  when she woke up, she got her first tastes of rice cereal (which is actually oatmeal cereal but who really says that?  not me) and loved it.  she also had her first experiences with a sippy cup and water as well.  she played in her jumper even more and then hung out with us for a bit before taking a long nap.  when she woke up, she ate, and the three of us caught the second end of the stanford basketball game and then the first half of the stanford byu volleyball match (where we sat in the byu section) before heading back home to eat before bed.  not a typical day at all but you gotta live it up when you're six months old.

i'll add baby's 6 month stats on tuesday after her doctors appointment.  but let it be known, she is chunking up.  especially in her legs and her face.  it's okay baby girl, that's where i chunk up too.  we still love you.

1.18.11 - 6 month appointment
13 lbs 15 ounces  12%
27 inches  89%
hc 41.3 cm  18%


ok said...

Love the picture, and love her cute face! I also laughed out loud at "She is my perfect pet rock." Hahahaha!

Karen said...

Cute! Six months is such a fun age. You asked how much hunter weighs?? I don't know but today at church he wore size 12 months. I would guess he is right at 20 lbs. Anyway good luck with shots and the dr on Tuesday. Hunters apt is fri so I'll let you know his weight.