Wednesday, January 12, 2011

naked baby fro

not the best picture but i like it anyways.  maybe because it accentuates her downy baby fro.

tonight honey stayed home with baby girl while i went out. to be specific, it was to a CA meeting and then to a girls night to watch the bachelor. so my sweet christopher watched her from roughly 5:30 to 11:30. don't worry, it only took me three hours to kick the phantom baby feeling. not sure where i come up with that term but it's what i use to describe how i feel when i go out without my baby but keep checking the backseat for her and everything and keep thinking she's with me.

anyways, the night was fun but i missed her. and i missed my honey. and i missed just being home. anytime til this point in my life i have never wanted to be home when i could be somewhere other than home. honey and i lived in colorado for a year and i think i spent more time at my dear friend carolyn's apartment than i did my own. same story for my in laws and probably even the same story for barb's house. the awake time that i spent in that apartment was about 30 minutes before work and then 30 minutes after work and then 20 minutes before bed. never home.

and now i go days without leaving my home and i like it that way. seriously. but help me out because my apartment is small (and i have no tv just fyi) and i spend much of my day being bored. but obviously i don't love being far from home. have any suggestions for things i can enjoy within the confines of my home? or if you want me to love you forever (or even if you don't), want to send me a book or two to read? one that you reccomend because i find library books are very hit and miss these days. but really, help me out. and don't tell me to start sewing my own baby clothes or take up gourmet cooking. we all know that won't happen.

and i'd have to leave my apartment to buy supplies anyways.


ok said...

Do yourself a favor and buy a Kindle. Love, love, love, LOVE my kindle.

Katt said...

Do yourself a favor and hang out with us more often. :)

Sara said...

You don't have TV?

No wonder you needed to leave the house to watch The Bachelor!

Plus, when you're watching something that trashy, it's better to watch it with friends.

That's what I do.

Ricci said...

Carrie, didn't you get a cricut for Christmas?? I started playing with my mother-in-law's and found it very fun addicting. I enjoyed the Hunger Game trilogy if you haven't read those and my favorite LDS author is Traci Hunter Abramson- she's clean, but interesting and not too sappy or cliche (at least in my opinion). Love ya!

Cherie said...

I'm glad I'm not the only one who doesn't have TV anymore! It was a grad school sacrifice. Since it's freezing cold outside here in Boise I have had little to no desire to go out much anymore either.In fact, this week I've spent 4 straight days in my apartment because Jared and I share a car and he's had to work everyday this week. So, my boys and I have spent all day today in a fort I made out of sheets stretched across the couch and chairs (complete with tunnel and separate tent entrance). Yesterday we had a dance party pretty much the whole day. I know baby girl is a little small for those things but I think she'd laugh at you dancing with yourself. I know I would :) As far as books go, there are a few I've read lately that I've liked. Not sure which books you like, but I've read The Help, Hunger Games series, The Book Thief, and I can't think of any of my other ones right now but I liked all of those. Do you have a goodreads account? I don't use it a ton just because I'm not very opinionated when it comes to books but I know a lot of other people that use it to find good books. Just a thought :) If I come up with anything else I'll let you know!