Wednesday, January 19, 2011

my day today

for lack of anything better to post about, let me tell you what i did today.

8:30 alarm went off.  reset it for 9:00.
9:00 alarm went off.  woke up, but did not get out of bed.  got online looking for something to keep me occupied so i wouldn't have to get out of bed.
9:45 woke up baby.  fed her and got her dressed.  threw in a load of laundry since her diaper leaked on her swaddle blankets.
10:15 got to bizkids play date.  15 minutes late but at least my child isn't wear her pajamas like every other week.  no joke, someone even commented on that today.  "oh abigail you look so cute!  i don't think i've ever seen you wearing something other than pajamas!"  i would have been insulted except that it's true.
11:30 play date breaks up.  so we walk home and i feed my child and change into yoga pants, t-shirt, and flip flops.
12:00 meet up with a few girls to hike the dish (paved hiking trail in the stanford foothills)
12:30 we actually get to the dish and start hiking
12:35 feel like i'm going to die because i'm already tired.  i doubt my ability to go on.  i convince myself that exercise is probably good for me although i wouldn't know for sure because it's never really happened.
2:30 done hiking the dish.  head back to EV and say bye to the girls
3:00 made it home.  remember to switch over the laundry.  finally.  i hope my clothes haven't molded yet.  remember to eat something.  waste time online.  baby wakes up (in her carseat still).  nurse baby.  feed her rice cereal too.  fold laundry and put it away while she's in her jumper.  she can't get enough of that jumper.
4:30 talk to my wonderful blogging sister emmy about her never-the-same-day-twice life.  put baby down for her first and only nap in the crib today.
4:45 say bye to emmy and straighten things up a bit.
5:00 shower
5:30 decide that i don't want to do my hair, get dressed, or wear a single bit of makeup.  waste more time online.
5:45 decide that although i don't actually have to do hair or makeup, the getting dressed part is a necessity... unfortunately.  so i do that.
6:00 wake baby up.  poor kid, she is groggy and confused.  halfway out the door when i realize i should probably bring a bottle for baby since she's currently too add to eat when i'm hanging out with friends.  halfway out of the kitchen when i realize i might need to eat too.  so i grab the package of golden oreos.
6:15 drive 500 feet to pick up amy.  she is happy to see golden oreos.  drive to katie's apartment.
6:30 arrive at katie's.  katie is happy to see golden oreos too.  visit teach katie.
6:45 drive back to EV.
7:00 visit teach brittney.  brittney says today is no sweets day for her.  cover oreos with baby blanket.  remember to give baby a bottle sometime and change a totally full but 100% contained noisily filled diaper.  these still brighten my day.
9:15 realize that my baby has been on perfect behavior but that she's been awake for three hours and is probably not happy about it.  time to play the part of party pooper.
9:30 drive 500 feet and arrive home.
9:45 try to feed baby but she is definitely not interested.  just wants to go to bed.  she coos as i swaddle her up and bounce/burp her.  lay her in bed and she babbles for a few minutes and is asleep after five more.
10:00 straighten up some more, waste time online, stuff face with golden oreos, write this post.
11:00  HONEY'S HOME!!!!  gotta go!!!


Katt said...

It sounds like we both had busy days. And I am SORE!

Unknown said...

i love your day :) especially since you didn't shower until 5 and didn't get dressed for another hour after that. i'm impressed it was just an hour. ;)